Weekly Horoscope for Taurus
January 20, 2014 - January 26, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Practical spending appears to go on the rise the 20/21st but 'just for those days' and it appears to be 'reasonable and expected' things like food, shelter and clothing expense, along with education and any sports or school related 'extras'. But the spending indicated for the 23rd to 25th is what has me concern. Combing through various scenarios, the best I could come up with was that a reasonable cross section of you MAY be vulnerable to [listed in order of their likelihood] foolish purchases or impulse buys, hefty home repairs/maintenance that appear 'structural' suffering setbacks from the 'failure of a member to learn a lesson you thought they HAD learned' and it costs the 'whole family' [Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra and Sagittarius on this one] and 'throwing money at it' to solve, placate or 'quell' the emotional outbursts or needs of another member. How did I do?
Love Horoscope
There WILL be some WHO 'bite the dirt' this week in status, especially the 24/25th when outright 'clashes' and unexpected 'escalation/s' of temper or emotion grab your common sense OR, make the target of the behavior of another who loses touch with temper or common sense. Bulls who BYPASS this one can 'thank their lucky stars'. Now that YOU are one who 'has a head's up' and has the chance to 'micro-manage' your way past it, especially IF you are paired to touchy Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius or Leo, you'll be fine but you may find other Bulls who do not fair as well. NOW, IF you are paired to a Taurus; SHOW THEM THIS! This is one of THE worst weeks for singles and ONLY those who 'meet or start' near the 20th into 21st have a 'running crack at it'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Hand holding for a pal, especially other Bulls, Libra, Scorpio, Aries, Aquarius or Leo buddies, is VERY likely this week and IF one 'reaches out to you' even IF you feel you can't 'go through this again with them' [yes, number one most likely IS going to be a "repeat offender/s"], suck it up, make the sacrifice, stand by them, BUY the Bud or Häagen Dazs and just listen! You'll be 'treasured' WELL into the summer!
Career Highlights
There ARE some hefty 'pit falls' possible this week, particularly near the efforts of the 20/21st, when long hours, tedious energy and lots of talking are indicated and the 23/24th, when setbacks, losses, disgruntled power people and 'having to go above and beyond' are most likely. The GOOD news is that BY or before 'end of business HOURS' the 24th, you appear to 'have a handle on it' at the LEAST and probably be 'done dealing with it ALL' at best!
Overview for Taurus
State of Mind:
Slightly 'emotional' but more 'happy' than not.
Karma Numbers:
2 with ANY other number, especially 4, 5, 8 and 9, particularly 'doubled' i.e.: 244, 229, etc.
Buzz Words:
Just 'survive' and come out 'with no losses'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for a change of scenery. Travel for business or pleasure and you'll break up the monotony. Use your finesse to get what you want. You'll be surprised by the response you receive. Check out some of the courses offered in your community. You need to start learning new skills if you want to keep up with the never-ending technological changes at work. Don't become involved in dubious financial schemes. Extravagance could be your downfall. Excessiveness will result in minor illness. You need to put some time aside for rest and relaxation. Don't sign anything unless you understand the repercussions. It is best to hold tight and observe what everyone else is doing. You can gain some insight if you talk to those with more experience. Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 16, 21, 30, 49 Read more...
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