Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
January 20, 2014 - January 26, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
A 'balance' of sorts, appears to be needed strongly the 20th, That 'balance' MAY easily 'set the tone' for the entire week, The question IS, a balance between WHAT? For some Twins, it will be practicality faces 'I want' for others, emotion vs. mental clarity and for yet other cross sections of you, even beyond that; temper vs. calm. That last one may be hard to 'muster up' especially IF members like Cancer, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius or Leo 'shorten your fuse FOR you' or in-laws, siblings or 'third parties of any kind' STICK their nose in. Discipline may become an issue or fodder for discussion near the 22nd to 24th, along with 'rewarding or NOT rewarding' behavior of various types. Twins with school aged youth may find transportation, extra curricular actives and 'sheer distance' sources of choice/discussion, problems and expense. IN any event, it appears for many of you, that it ALL 'comes to head' the 25th and it does NOT get easier from there. Unless sound " balance" is used AND, members are 'on the same page' issues can rage or trickle into the 31st.
Love Horoscope
There only appears to be one small and promising 'window' for singles this week and it lands slap on the 23rd into 24th and outside of that; matches formed tend to 'fizzle fast'. For paired Twins; it's all about the talk AND the 'final answer'. That decision you MUST come to and be 'in accord' particularly IF you are paired to Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius; mess THIS one up and it could be a 'bicker fest' all the way to the 30th! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
CALL for help, as soon as you know or even 'sense' you are 'in over your head' or have identified a problem. Most cooperative days for 'asking' are the 20th to 22nd. The 23rd is excellent for career asking but MAY be used if you are approaching 'challenging' pals, who hold powerful positions and your 'favor' is close to a 'breach' of friendship protocol. A bit of hand holding and/or 'return favor' energy appears likely for the 24/25th and it MAY be a 'very big project' or request/requirement that 'goes on FAR longer' than originally expected. Make SURE you 'build in conditions' for your departure BEFORE you start, should you be asked on EITHER of those days! Say "Thank you, Rita Ann!"
Career Highlights
Pay attention to ALL communications and ANY 'bottom line, small print' situations the 20th to 22nd as each DAY is filled with its OWN 'individual' needs, challenges and 'booby-traps'. The 23rd is an excellent day to 'press/push' for favors, advancement or 'permission' as getting the nod on almost anything appears 'rather likely' particularly from Libra, Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius, Leo and power people with a 'history of being intimidating'. Be seen as 'totally honest and above board' the 24th and especially the 25th; at home AND on the job!
Cooperative for most Twins.
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
In need of 'daily balance' and adjustment/s
Karma Numbers:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Buzz Words:
From 'one extreme to the other' so 'control' the changes.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your efforts to help others. It will be admired by onlookers. Someone you work with may be jealous of you. Keep your thoughts and intentions to yourself. Outdoor activities will be invigorating. Take care of your family responsibilities first or include the ones you love in the events you attend. Don't overspend on those unworthy of your generosity. You may want to look into the nature of an organization before you donate or join it. Your partner will not put up with your possessiveness. Expect to get into a heated discussion. Don't try to change loved ones. Self-improvement should be your goal. Sudden romantic infatuations may send you for a loop. You must take your time if you wish things to work in your favor. Be honest and direct and don't be afraid to ask the necessary questions. Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 20, 21, 31, 42 Read more...
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