Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
January 20, 2014 - January 26, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Keep it brief, short and sweet and VERY simple this week. Hold your wallet close to your belt [never really hard for you] and spend ONLY what 'you must' not what you'd like. Reserves will most likely be needed BOTH the 20/21st, because you WANT to take advantage of something and the 24/25th because you NEED to save your bacon from something, most likely repairs, vehicle problems, travel needs, medical necessities or 'appeasement' of a member, particularly Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Leo; if you don't have them, you may MISS this one!
Love Horoscope
Boy, does this week SUCK for love; what does start, fizzles fast and shows likelihood of 'big disappointment' AND 'a level of complication/s' where you wished you didn't even START IT, some as soon as the 30/31st and others out as far as later February into later March. Paired Virgos start out the week talking, talking and talking but working out ALL 'the little kinks' and very successfully. IF a love interest comes to you with a 'request' this week; better pony-up and fast! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
SOME of you may suffer from 'insecurity and IMAGINED fears' and for a tiny, YES "tiny" cross section of you, those 'fears' may come to bear near the 25th, give or take 12 to 24 hours on either side BUT...only with pals like Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo and then it really does appear to be more of a 'tempest in a teacup' than a big 'blow out'. Show RESPECT, listen closely and if you do hit this one, it will ALL be mended by/before February 1st.
Career Highlights
Just NOT making any mistakes the 20th to 22nd, especially in 'small details, amounts, timing issues and calculations' will make this a successful week for the Virgin! Gaining a 'boatload of experience' is indicated on or by, the 22/23rd and the insight you gain from it may become useful as soon as the 22/23rd itself or as far out as the 30th, February 19th, March 20th or later August into later September. Some of you MAY hear 'scuttlebutt' about those 'time frames' this week and promotions or changes relating TO THEM; if you do, it is likely 'an omen' of very, VERY good things to come for you. This is going to be a Pisces Year soon and Virgo benefits in career FIRST and MOST in a Pisces Year!
Improving soon but not now; just 'maintain' without 'over spending' and you'll be fine.
Overview for Virgo
State of Mind:
Torn, at times.
Karma Numbers:
2 with anything, especially doubled and/or with 0, 1, 3, 7 or 9. Additional numbers [apart from combos with 2] are 4, 11, 17 and 33
Buzz Words:
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to get out and meet some new people. You need to put some excitement back into your life. Emotional blackmail will get you into trouble. Don't blame others for your own mistakes or unhappiness. New acquaintances will show interest in you if you are happy and positive about yourself. You need to make some personal changes in your life. Don't be depressed. You need to concentrate on your creative projects and not worry so much about what other people are saying or doing. Put your heart and soul into things you enjoy. You don't need to overspend to impress others. Lucky Numbers: 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 44 Read more...
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