Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
January 20, 2014 - January 26, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
"WOW, what a week!" some of you may be saying and that is only on Monday or Tuesday when you KNOW what is coming! Imagine what you'd say on the 26!...? In any case, prepare your family for 'cooperation' by getting them ALL on the 'same page' establish a 'communications central' [how about the fridge?], try establishing a 'simple set of rules' just for 'this week's NEEDS' to accommodate whatever challenges or opportunity there may be, especially FROM youth and particularly along the lines of 'behavior'. Make them 'call' if anything 'changes' have them 'report in for no reason' mid week, just so you 'don't worry' [you're pone to worry that day; the 22nd ] and promise some kind of 'reward' as the weekend approaches for those members who are daily "ON BOARD" with your plan/needs!
The weekend may hold an 'emotional discussion' or 'situation' but it eventually 'works out' however, it may take until the 30th.
Love Horoscope
The only week WORSE than THIS week for romance, for the Crab, is NEXT week. Try hard NOT to allow issues to 'fester or grow' and above all, do NOT, repeat, do NOT leave issues unaddressed that you KNOW about to flow into next week! Your 'best days/times' for addressing almost anything with any sign is going to be [in order] all day the 23rd, the afternoon of the 26th, early on the 21st and the PM hours of the 20th. This is NOT a good week for singles but there IS one 'tiny' window the evening of the 20th 'if you start out with a lot of talking' and the day of the 23rd; IF you are introduced by someone and/or 'totally KNOW' the history or background of the person you meet. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
What is 'said' this week MAY easily be 'remembered' for a long time and anything unkind, non supportive or even 'jokingly said' can be burned into the memory of a Pal and the WRONG way! Be considerate of emotions, think first about 'duel meanings' especially the 21st to 23rd and consider 'topic material' for 'sensitivity factors' especially loss, death, embarrassment or reputation. Emotions easily 'get out of hand' the 24th to 26, particularly IF alcohol enters the picture! THIS MEANS YOU! Be very considerate or understanding of others using alcohol also.
Career Highlights
Be cautious with 'what you put in writing' the 20th, memorialize things for your own good but double check both content AND who it is going to. Favors may easily be 'done for you' the 21st and power people AND coworkers are supportive and insightful. Maintain a VERY 'low key' presence the 22nd and avoid ALL 'office gossip' or being swept up in any 'distorted perceptions' of activities taking place. Many things may be 'misinterpreted' especially by power people this week. Praise, raise and strong support appear likely for a hefty cross section of you the 23rd, particularly IF you deal with Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer or Libra.
Better than for most people and more cooperative AFTER the 22nd.
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Emotional and easily 'thrown out of balance'.
Karma Numbers:
0, 3, 16, 24, 60, including 1960
Buzz Words:
Not 'too much' of any ONE thing, energy or activity. MODERATION with ALL drugs!
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to use discretion when discussing personal matters. You can avoid emotional issues with loved ones by being affectionate, fun loving and active. You'll be able to make money if you investment in yourself. Your lover may not be sure of your intentions. Be discriminating when discussing work. You won't be able to trust some of your colleagues or clients. Keep your ideas to yourself for the time being. Find out all you can about your present position and the changes going on around you. Work hard to complete projects that might make a real difference to your professional future. Lucky Numbers: 25, 29, 35, 37, 38, 41 Read more...
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