Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

April 11, 2022 - April 17, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th, many of you have high hopes and expectations for the day but it's likely you could be distracted by several trips or errands that you may have to run around town. Another cross-section of you may be invited to take roadtrips with friends or short vacations for the day. In any case, it does look exciting and quite enjoyable, especially if you spend time with signs like Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Leo, Aries or other Sagittarius.

Tuesday the 12th, romantic, popular and pleasurable experiences appear likely for a hefty cross-section of you and for those of you with your nose to the grindstone, tremendous progress and excellence surprises appear to be in store.

Wednesday the 13th, a continuation of excellent progress with good planning and wonderful outcomes appear likely. It's also a day for creative change and many of you may get good news from both near and afar.

Thursday the 14th, a lot of talking appears to be going on and there are emotional upheavals that can occur in the evening hours after what appears to be a rather long and difficult day struggling with obstacle courses.

Friday the 15th goes much smoother with excellent progress and wonderful accomplishments along with what may be for many of you a red-letter day.

Saturday the 16th is an excellent day to make decisions, finalize issues and empty your plate.

Sunday the 17th, snags and plans and delays may surface throughout the day to sidetrack some of your goals or plans and erratic behavior in others may be an explanation for some of these situations. It's not a bad day but it may be a difficult one for you to control.

Love Horoscope

Romantic love does very well and lustier energies prevail, particularly Tuesday, Wednesday into Thursday and any time on Friday until Saturday midday; then I advise you back off and pack it up. Loyalty issues may surface as topics of very important discussions along with commitment levels possibly near Friday or from the events of it. Single Archers who are not expecting serious upgrades may find themselves on the hot seat like it or not, if they are paired to Pisces, Virgo, Leo or Aquarius. Time to assess or bail. Careful forethought must be given to everything you do, say and infer on Friday evening to sunset on Sunday. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

If a pal needs a shoulder to cry on, you may have to step up to the plate and do some serious hand holding but be careful of what you say about the others involved in the tiff; you may be the focus of "he said/she said" when they are back being big pals again, particularly if this is a romantic issue we are talking about. No matter how bad it looks, if they have been together a long time, they can overcome anything and in short order.

Career Highlights

You can hold your own with just about anyone this week but avoid being glib much less cocky! Vocal tones, hidden meanings and other types of inference will not fly, with co-workers, other people's bosses, much less your own! If you are the boss even that can be tripped up by others taking your meaning out of context. This applies all week long, but especially Thursday and Saturday/Sunday. It's not all bad! You show excellent progress and/or profit on Wednesday, again late on Thursday and especially the early Friday/Saturday; just remember if you are meeting with someone to show strong loyalty and respect for power.


Not as gloomy as you think

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Picking up speed as the week unfolds

Karma Numbers:

3, 9, 13, 60, 63, especially 2003 and those born in it.

Buzz Words:

Image is everything this week. Project a powerful, loyal but compassionate one.

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Virgo, Aries

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by a tornado of ideas. You could be in a very talkative mood, at the very least, expect your mind to be running a mile a minute. Slow down and take note of the good ideas, because they'll be worth remembering. Big financial ideas are very exciting to you now, too. You're in charge. Expect to be the leader. This is your chance to shine professionally. You have the spark to move into a new direction. Planning is important, but taking chances and taking action are primary. Even if you don't achieve your goals, you'll learn from your mistakes and succeed the next time. Try to find a project or activity in which you are in total control. Initiate one if one is not already in place. Complications with a loved one who is far away might arise. Your calm, even at a long distance, could be incredibly helpful to others. Speaking the right way could be more important than saying the right thing. Truth is a wonderful thing, it can open hearts and minds. Some may appreciate your directness, others could arch their backs and hiss at you. Certainly not the way to build successful relationships. Pick your spots by carefully choosing when and what you say and to whom. Read more...

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