Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

April 11, 2022 - April 17, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th, indications are that you have a great many things to do and you are highly invested in the day as long hours and many duties are indicated. Many of you may have hefty responsibilities that require copious amounts of cash or other types of high-effort investment in the day. Good returns are indicated and may come as soon as Tuesday or as far out as the week of the 25th.

Tuesday the 12th, you show accomplishment through patience as the day is long and demanding but you can make excellent progress only if you pause frequently throughout the day to readjust your patience over, over and over again.

Wednesday the 13th, your judgment is excellent and spot on. You can plan ahead for huge increments of time and many of you may be dealing with situations that are deep into the month of June, structuring for situations that will return profit or lend power to your reputation.

Thursday the 14th, examine any repressed emotions that you have been carrying lately and get them properly into perspective before they tarnish your behavior, actions or the words that spill from your mouth.

Friday the 15th is an excellent day filled with wonderful accomplishments as you tend to be filled with eager anticipation and excessive joy for activity.

Saturday the 16th, stick with your original game plan for the day to get the most success out of your day.

Sunday the 17th, there are distractions and snags in your plans and it appears to be the actions of others or the interruptions of others that derail your day. This is not bad it's simply may be a minor inconvenience.

Love Horoscope

Some of you may have something to show for it with your efforts this week if you can be tolerant of emotions on Monday/Tuesday, willing to adapt to a small change Wednesday, listen and be supportive on Thursday no matter what, take what comes of Friday, bite the bullet and give them what they want by sucking it up and being a joiner and Saturday, most of all, by being silent on an issue that concerns finances, particularly their level which can choke you! There are several signs that are gnarly on Sunday; I suggest you accommodate or stall. This is not a good week for singles, as you may have discovered by now but Tuesday does look promising. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Pals may have serious issues this week and your big message to them should be to seek a professional if the problem is serious enough as handling anything out of your depth especially Friday and/or Sunday is very unwise. Avoid two topics; health and finance. If they are just crying on your shoulder then babysit them but keep your lip zipped about the other person.

Career Highlights

With just about 95% of you, career comes first, in the face of so many other things. An old problem may come back to visit you and the technique you used last time to rid yourself of it, may still apply. If it does not, then use a professional to toast it once and for all. There is a small threat that some other entity may try to reach in and attach your finances in some way this week. Nip that one in the bud. Or, some of you may have to ascribe a portion of your money from this week to a need you did not expect and for those who bite into this one it appears to be either health services or old debt related to a relationship of some kind. For the vast majority of you who will miss this one, your week appears to be cooperative until Thursday when you may have to quietly just get it done while avoiding the manipulations of others or the mistakes or malfunctions wrought by some system you work around/with.


Choppy and frustrating.

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Solid until Thursday and then something messes with you.

Karma Numbers:

3, 5, 6, 9, 19

Buzz Words:

Just get past whatever it is or isn't.

Compatible Sign(s):

Pisces, Cancer, Taurus and Leo

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by a surge of emotional and physical energy. It's probably for the best that you're feeling a little extra rambunctious. You'll need it to keep up with recent events. Humor may be the best way to cope with a grim situation, that's got everyone down. Laugh at the impossible and you'll be able to make a list of the practical solutions. Your powers of attraction may be working harder than you imagined. There's no need to be greedy during times of plenty. If the offers just keep pouring in, leave your options open. Go for the one that satisfies you the most. This is not a good time to go into hiding. You may have to start over again, the alternative may be just too much to consider. Use an extreme situation to your advantage instead of letting it get the better of you. Read more...

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