Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

April 11, 2022 - April 17, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th is a busy and demanding day and your hopes are set high for the day but don't set them too high as keeping things reasonable would be your wisest choice and use discrimination in the evening as you have exchanges in your personal relationships for the most success.

Tuesday the 12th, there are a lot of challenges. It appears to be a busy and demanding day that's peppered with up and down energy. The good news is your ESP is in great shape as you handle what appears to be a small delay in the early morning hours with some challenging hard work of some kind, followed by a later morning and early afternoon of excellent progress, with an early evening of questions and doubts that ends at bedtime with strong emotions that give you the answers you need.

Wednesday the 13th is a progressive an excellent day with good planning and smooth support from many members who are highly cooperative.

Thursday the 14th, your judgment may be slightly gullible, as you are vulnerable to those who are needy and distract you from your own agenda. The later hours of the day appear to be a bit better but even then there are some shaky times when you are easily pulled astray by others.

Friday the 15th, you are focused and highly energized with an excellent accomplished day that borders on being a red-letter day that you haven't had in a long time. Harmony and strong attention that sheds the spotlight on you appear likely.

Saturday the 16th, you are strong and decisive with excellent insight and idealistic, romantic and friendly energies surrounding you. Excellent romantic luck is also likely.

Sunday the 17th shows family gatherings but may have some small challenges as several discussions and a lot of questioning appears to be going on along with some impulsive energies and erratic behavior. You may have to play referee more than once.

Love Horoscope

Romance does appear to be on the sweet side this week with overtones of growing lust and spicy creativity as your wild side may kick up some dust especially on Monday/Tuesday and Friday/Saturday, while your more tender traits likely prevail the other days, particularly Wednesday. Single Lions may find very good hunting this week with good length of bone and excellent returns on promising matches, especially those with Virgo, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are likely near Wednesday to Saturday but most likely spring up out of your career, work, job or coworker pal connections. Those made do show promising contributions to your career growth and expansion and may be more helpful than they appear on the surface. They say it is not what you know as much as who you know and connections may lie everywhere; you never know who's aunt or uncle they're connected to.

Career Highlights

You appear to have a great deal placed upon you on Monday/Tuesday but this is not a bad thing. While the weight of duty may range from no problem to burdensome it appears that if you accomplish well, even if you use Wednesday also, it may add impressive weight to your advancing status. Be very respectful of authority figures on Wednesday/Thursday and try to be as tolerant of arrogant behavior or energy that comes your way, especially the afternoon into evening of Thursday. Any off-site work or dealings later on Saturday need even more patience, particularly if money is involved.


About to improve

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

About to improve

Karma Numbers:

11, 14, 24, 33, 50

Buzz Words:

Just inches away

Compatible Sign(s):

Pisces, Aries, especially March Rams

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by responsibilities and your ability to take on more than your share. Mental details may be a real challenge to you. You could easily get caught up in minor matters that become more and more complex and demanding as the week goes by. Don't be too concerned with the minor details. Delegate to others you trust. Priority should not be on how things are done, but on completing the tasks at hand. Try your best to stay relaxed during moments of tension. Your sense of humor could go a long way in diffusing tense or uncomfortable situations. Concentration will bring the desired results. You may discover better ways to accomplish your work. A close friend will pick up your spirits. Ideas will fly by, fast and furious. A real breakthrough in the group process may bring you much excitement. Fun and productivity reach high levels. This week-end could prove to be one thrilling ride. Read more...

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