Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

April 11, 2022 - April 17, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th, you must pay attention to details as many of you may be called upon to take a short trip, roadtrip or dash out back and forth across or around town for several different errands.

Tuesday the 12th, there's hard work for little gain, but you do make progress both at work and at home if you apply yourself and direct your impulsive emotions well.

Wednesday the 13th is a time for creative change, especially with the assistance of signs like Scorpio, Capricorn, other Bulls and Leo.

Thursday the 14th is a time for introspection and self-examination as you wander through the corridors of your mind and tidy up things that you discover.

Friday the 15th, your day has two halves: a morning that is spent with details, paperwork and several communications, and an afternoon that may be spent with family members and their needs or interruptions from them in your life. See to them immediately as ignoring them may cause complications down the road. Maintain harmony, cheer and balance.

Saturday the 16th appears to be an excellent day to make decisions and organize. Much can be gained if you do.

Sunday the 17th, you find great cooperation with and from members of the opposite sex and having your requests answered is a snap. It's a wonderful time for family gatherings and an especially good time to discuss propositions with elders or spouse.

Love Horoscope

No progress is indicated for Bulls, paired or single, from Monday into Tuesday but the good news is things improve quickly on Tuesday; then look out! Wednesday to Sunday are like magic, especially for talking and settling issues for paired Bulls on Wednesday, Friday evening and all day Sunday, while for single Bulls the field is wide open, with impressive windows the evenings of Wednesday to Friday and Sunday all day. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Relationship status, love or friendship, gets kicked up to the high burner from Wednesday to Sunday anyway you cut it! New friends are likely, but the big activity seems to be in enjoying the current ones and rekindling any older ties that have lacked attention lately even if lately goes back a long way. Dig in!

Career Highlights

Things tend to really go down fast this week once we clear the misconceptions and/or mistakes from Monday into Tuesday midday. Power figures become much easier to deal with as the week unfolds making Thursday into Friday interesting negotiation, achievement and reward days. If you must work the weekend, it becomes challenging fast on Saturday; avoid two things, taking about money in any form or around any one and, taking up an opposing or opposite view or opinion with any one but especially power people.


Fine, if you are very respectful of anyone who has power be it over you or not.

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Rather happy and quite accomplished

Karma Numbers:

3, 6, 9; especially in combo as these are powerful numbers and when combined, become more so, 11, 22; both prime numbers. Avoid 33 however.

Buzz Words:

Talk your way to the top, especially on Friday.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by strong feelings and emotional situations that need to be addressed. It's hard to keep up with the white lies and half truths. It's not the facts that count, but the reason for the deceitful information. Great discretion on your part may be required if you want to keep the peace. You may feel a little resentful. The demands put on you may seem unfair, perhaps even a little manipulative. It could cost you a relationship if you are direct about the situation. Then again, why keep a friend you can't really be honest with? Honesty is not always easy, but is almost always is the best policy. Once you get past the initial stumbling blocks, you'll realize that were assuming other's motivations. Try to get away for the week-end to re-charge your batteries, it'll help you cope with your stress. Read more...

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