Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

April 14, 2014 - April 20, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your stars show a great deal of 'effort, time, energy AND money' may be going into a goal or plan for the 14th to 16th an again the 19th into 20th, especially IF certain members have 'mile stone' events or there is a 'group need' afoot in the family. You may be 'pouring' any/all of the finance and/or personal efforts you can 'muster' in buckets and into a precious agenda until almost 'week's end' near the 17th to 19th. They'll give you lots to do the 14th, 16th and 20th and it is essential you do it all 'right' and pay attention, especially IF details, facts, figures, amounts and any kind of 'money' cash 'heart set on it' energies or exchanges are ANY part of it.

Love Horoscope

Highly uncooperative energies flow in the 14th to 16th, especially during the full moon day the 15th but once 'past that' things improve with almost lightening strike speed. Once we are past the 15th... you may see a total 180 and that lunar eclipse that goes with that Libra moon, may bring 'multiple chances' to you; yes... that is MORE than one; as in two, four or up to six for some Virgos. It can be an emotional/sexual match vs. an intellectual or romantic one OR, maybe old vs. new but it will be some kind of 'diverse opposite'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Exciting info or invitations may come out of no where and from those you least expect with other Virgo, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo and Taurus heading the list and 'meeting new people' seems a likely outcome.

Career Highlights

You are quick, witty and eager to please and projects and goals do slide 'nicely into place'. Be respectful and don't 'get cocky'. all the bottom line 'small details' may start to matter BIG time and paying attention to them all will matter also; especially 'the smaller the more important'. It is all going to be 'about the details' today and how much attention YOU paid to two things; the little ones and the bottom line. Focus on them both and you've aced it before you began.


Demanding at times to the point of mistakes

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

In need of taking the TIME to 'think first.'

Karma Numbers:

2, 19, 29, 90, 99

Buzz Words:

Think, speak and then think within/while speaking.

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Leo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a sense of floating free from the earthly bonds that you've felt been dragging you down. Don't even ask what it means. Logic and magic have nothing to do with each other. Let events wash over you now, and explain it all later on in any way that makes sense. Don't go around sticking out your neck if blame is waiting to fall. The walls have ears and possibly no sympathy. Ordinarily you're the first to help others, but you may not be able to do so now. You need to be treated with respect. Insist on receiving the whole story, rather than have something dumped on you without warning. Once feelings are realized, they are easier to accept. The emotional tap is open, so let it run freely. Get all the information before jumping into action. Listen to your intuitive feelings & realize that recent happenings were inevitable. Lucky Numbers: 9, 11, 27, 36, 37, 44   Read more...

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