Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
April 14, 2014 - April 20, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Energies MAY feel 'scattered and OUT of control' for many of you the 14/15th and trying to get everyone on the 'same page' may be challenging; you'll be lucky to get 'two or more members on the same page at the same time, then. For Twins with 'sensitive issues' and even MORE sensitive partners, the 16/17th may give you 'talk time' to open up a new topic or personal agenda. Several 'places for money' to go are likely to surface throughout the week and some can be repairs while others are going to be 'typical needs' that are basic, especially IF family comes first and you have youth in the house of educating age, while travel, vehicles, electronics and entertaining round out the spending list near the 17th to 20th.
Love Horoscope
Two haves to your week: A 14th to mid day 17th with exciting opportunities, rich/deep emotions and 'easy discussion/s'. Then a race against time the PM of the 17th to the 20th ,with challenging attitudes, personal down time, emotional upheavals, possibly due to encounters with 'old issues' Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn or partners of any sign who sight 'unhappiness' as a reason for their 'sour space'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
IF you have buddies like Taurus, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or other Twins you may be asked to share in activities OR, surrender plans of your own for some 'hand holding' baby-sitting of buddies on the BAD SIDE of a 'life crisis' especially the 17th to 20th. In this one you may not be 'rewarded' for your efforts. Benefit/s of some kind MAY be coming your way, later but not now.
Career Highlights
Your attitude and adjustment ability appear to be far more settled early in the week and some kind of 'good news in finances' appears likely, particularly the afternoon of the 16th and in finance or 'power moves' anything from 'just comfortable' to 'a real windfall' is possible. The message the 17/18th is: finish, finish and finish. New opportunities fill your plate and the 'right direction' to take them may become apparent near as soon as noontime the 17th. Avoid allowing another to 'confuse you in making the right choices'. Don't ASK for advice! IF you work in banking, insurance, inheritance, land development, transportation or are dealing with any territory expansion issues, especially a 'second location' OR, if you are self employed or commission based, you may have to do some 'financial risking' the 17th.
Choppy at times
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
A bit 'ahead of yourself' at times
Karma Numbers:
2, 3, 6, 9, 23
Buzz Words:
Two sides to everything
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by challenges that will motivate your spirit. You'll feel magnetized and ready to take on any professional or personal obstacles that stands in your way. Plan to do something special with the family. Obstacles may stand in your way. Ignore people who are trying to lead you astray. You can learn a lot if you are more open-minded. Give others the benefit of the doubt. You'll be able to overcome anything if you stand tall and prepare to push ahead. The harder you strive for perfection, the better you will do. Trusting others may prove to be costly. However if you do, it will teach you a valuable lesson in life. Don't worry, you'll soon be able to recognize the difference between a true and a fair-weather friend. The world is forever changing and so should you if you want to stay in control of your destiny. The positive energy you emit should give you a new perspective on your future. Lucky Numbers: 4, 12, 17, 22, 33, 43 Read more...
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