Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius
April 14, 2014 - April 20, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Get as much done early as you can in the week, allowing for the nebulous info or mistakes of the 14th's FULL moon, since your stars show two things; distractions from personal fatigue that can include headache, eye vulnerabilities, forehead, cut/burn, slip/fall, common cold and issues while driving, including speeding and things from the right near the 17th to 19th and too much responsibility 'dumped upon you' by another member, most likely near the 14th to 16th. There IS good news: for a hefty cross section of you, excellent financial news, good business and stellar invitations through networking MAY involved 'the whole family' in some way and 'travel as a group' IS possible the 17th to 20th.
Love Horoscope
Your attitude is cheerful, money news is terrific, personal news is even better and invitations are likely, especially through or because of news with/over a love interest.... and IF they do 'hit' for your love connection, even IF it is a 'newer one' which by the way, they can be from very far away, relate to business and mean 'money, money and MORE money' jump on it FAST and tie the two together! Make your successes theirs and VISE-VERSA! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Others may be of 'great assistance' today and you may not even know it! Your stars show Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo and possibly Libra may be doing you HUGE, and I mean HUGE, favors.
Career Highlights
IF you are 'at odds' with any other people over money, especially IF it is unfolding in a personal [coworker/s] setting and IF Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, other Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn or Virgo is involved, be very careful it does not 'put you in a bad light' tainting your reputation. It will resolve on its own by or before the 16th to 19th. However, you may find your tail dragging badly, your focus awry and your ESP off course near the 14th to later 15th, for the day, most likely due to the full moon; stall and drop back. Also 'finish' all/any 'old business' preferably by/before the 17th hits. Your attitude is far more cheerful then and you are much better equipped to make any/all 'judgment calls' and FAST.
More going out than coming in but filled with 'promise and good news'.
Overview for Sagittarius
State of Mind:
Spread a bit 'thin'.
Karma Numbers:
2, 4, 7, 9, 12
Buzz Words:
Think it through first, especially the 14/15th.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to keep yourself on track. It's difficult to stay focused, your current fixation on details may have you spinning your wheels. Try to stay on course despite the temptation to run around in circles. The fact that you're suddenly very popular does nothing to help with your focus. Other people's tics and quirks might prove to be especially annoying to you. There is no polite way to explain what's bothering you. This is not about being rude, this is about being professional in your relations with others. Beware of fast talkers with big schemes. You may do much better by working on your own. When someone demands a reason for your behavior, use your humor to excuse yourself. Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 11, 17, 38, 48 Read more...
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