Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

April 11, 2022 - April 17, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th appears to be an excellent day filled with wonderful accomplishments as others around you appear to be highly cooperative and very good with response time, as it is quick and powerful.

Tuesday the 12th, you make excellent progress and get good news from both near and afar. Strong vibrations from the cosmos almost assure you excellent accomplishments with the more powerful things you must accomplish.

Wednesday the 13th, you have excellent judgment and see far into the future as you plan in huge increments of time that can include anything from as near as the month of June to as far out as November, December or even next year.

Thursday the 14th may be a slightly challenging day for you, as some of you may have to dangle and wait for response time, information, paperwork to come through or materials and items that you need to progress forward past the delays of the day.

Friday the 15th, you are prone to be extravagant and need to seek enjoyment as a distraction for your frustration. Later in the day, better harmony and more progress flow in after a short delay. Things begin to pick up momentum and fall into place, like the cogs of a wheel. Now you're moving at super speed and that's more like it for you.

Saturday the 16th is an excellent day with good progress and quality "me time" and you can sustain yourself throughout the day with a good pat on the back.

Sunday the 17th, you have many questions and your mind is abuzz with the right thing to do, especially if you are in a situation where there is a lot going on around you and you are hesitant to engage.

Love Horoscope

Romance and love appear highly cooperative for you this week, especially Wednesday to Friday and if you are single, upgrades, surprises, visits and invitations are very likely; no matter what sign you are paired to! Totally single Sea Goats may feel a bit picky and being selective, they may push themselves out into a space where they hit restlessness and nothing happening let down their guard and pick some lemon in the last days, like Saturday/Sunday. Your best shot appears to be Thursday evening, daytime on Friday and Tuesday morning; in that order. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Pals may be traveling or away for some reason and contact you for favors, which can range anywhere from letting the dog out or feeding the cat to sending money. Feed the animals and water the plants but unless this pal has a history of loyalty, honesty and returning money; send an amount that you don't care if it comes back to you or not, and don't expect it to and you'll be fine or pleasantly surprised; either way you keep a friendship.

Career Highlights

Several signs or personality types will not manage the week well and those who do not read this or use it, may make cardinal mistakes like not showing loyalty, being mouthy around power people or treating a low profile personality (you never know who they are connected to) like crap and then wondering why they find themselves next Monday on the outside looking in. Avoid any people who behave in this manner but do not tip them off, some are meant to hang themselves. You may be required to make a highly spiritual decision weighing one thing against another, especially near Wednesday into Thursday; trust your gut.


Can be impressive

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Focused on the right thing to do.

Karma Numbers:

2, 6, 9, 11, 23

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):

Aries, Cancer and March Pisces

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by plenty of talking and heated discussions. You have a strong desire to cut through the bull and get to the bottom line. Relationships may be very hot. Intimacy is both exciting and complex. Professional ones are stimulating, but challenging. Greed could be your enemy now. Appetites can get out of hand if you're not careful. When you get a taste of love, food, approval or money, chew slowly. Digestion can be difficult if you take big gulps. Check out the incredible opportunities, but move toward them with patience and caution. Control issues involving money or sex may arise right now. Try to be reasonable, even if the subject matter is intense. It may take some time to build trust. Try to understand that this may be a touchy time for others as well. Rules count heavily, any deviation could be heavily punished. You won't be expected to wear a straightjacket, but self-control could be vital now. Advance cautiously, making sure all your ducks are perfectly aligned before you set off in a new direction. Assistance can come from a more experienced colleague. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. When you ask questions, it will be taken as a sign of strength, not weakness. Read more...

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