Weekly Horoscope for Leo
April 7, 2014 - April 13, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Your stars show 'emotional discussions' are likely to be somewhat 'demanding' the 7/8th, duty, errands and discipline appear to dominate the 9th into early 11th and spending is ON THE RISE the 12th to 13th with 'fun, exciting or practical whole family' things likely the 12th; big ticket too and the more 'demanding, necessity, fix it, health crisis' stuff the 13th. It's not an unlucky day, but for some signs it can be a 'careless' one. See to it that member like ARIES, Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus and Libra use caution when dealing with equipment, vehicles or appliances, especially lawn equipment.
Love Horoscope
This can be a somewhat remarkable week, most in that what is 'sour and unproductive' the 7/8th can turn to successful and interesting the 9/10th, leaving the 11th for exciting new opportunities late in the evening and all day the 12th for fixing, growing closer, getting to know you and being 'fortunate in serendipitous encounters. I'd lay off the 13th since little 'good' will come of it. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Making NEW friends, especially Aries, Leo and Virgo may be very useful this week as your stars show 'any that ARE made' may be extremely useful and necessary when issues, problems, needs, connections, insights and extra help come calling with tons of 'opportunity' along about as soon as the 8th to 10th , the week of 4/21 or as far out as later July into early Sept. It is late Aug and early Sept where you may easily NEED the most.
Career Highlights
Later August into later September are likely to end up being some kind of 'important projected areas' for some of you and there may be hints, scheduling or current deadlines relating to it ALREADY showing up in your life or 'expectations'. IF you read this and then the first thing you say is "Gee, that's about right too... " then you need to check back often over the summer if you are not in the habit of reading weekly. Deals may be struck, low profile and seemingly unimportant or 'high profile, chance/once in a life time' as soon as the 9th 11th or out as far as the week of the 21st and later July to later September.
Ready to 'beef up' to some degree or percentage
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Focused on the future.
Karma Numbers:
0, 3, 5, 8, 9
Buzz Words:
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by data gathering. You can be such a patient hunter. You're a person of action, but you know when to watch and when to pounce. Find out where the secrets are. Get the hard-to-find information that's the key to your overall plan. Once all of the pieces are in place, you can make your presentation and get others onboard. You'll be able to make a good impression. Just watch out for that urge to make small, critical remarks that appear helpful to you, but that may rub others the wrong way. Do something physical. You need to keep the rust out of your system with a regular exercise routine. It takes time, but it'll give you extra energy in return & that's a good investment. Lucky Numbers: 27, 28, 30, 31, 45, 47 Read more...
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