Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

April 7, 2014 - April 13, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Most of your week appears to go fine until we hit the 10th, when things can complicate fast, especially the demands of the 11th; which have you 'pillar to post' shelling out cash, especially for health/fitness and 'basic food or household needs'. Bickering and some level of disagreement/s are likely the evening of the 10th and ALL day the 13th, especially at gatherings.

Love Horoscope

Romance does well as it is for BOTH single and paired Fish who appear to find promising 'commitment level' matches/upgrades near the 8th, late on the 11th and all day long the 12th but for those of you who 'meet or just get started' the 12th; do NOT push things into the 13th as 'too much too soon' can/may cause things to retard or backslide. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Shared hobbies, passions and pursuits with pals appears to go very well this week along with several invitations and 'planning sessions' that likely cover the mid to later summer, especially late August into late September. A pal may really 'need some hand holding' big time near the 11th to 13th as a situation 'may backfire' for them and you might be called upon to either help them through it or out of it!

Career Highlights

A week of planning and fast action is indicated and RIGHT from the 'jump' the 7th, when new goals, new offers and other important short AND long range assignments and opportunities are indicated for as soon as the 10th to 12th the week of the 21st or more likely, later August into mid September. Having to travel or work 'in/with another location' is VERY likely for some of you, for whom this makes 'the most sense'. It may also express itself in a need to 'deal with newly located people' in your area or new incoming 'business' of some kind.


VERY good!

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Quick, accurate and loving 'the pace'.

Karma Numbers:

2, 10, 12, 44, 53

Buzz Words:

End 'on a good note' as often as you can.

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Virgo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by challenges, teamwork & your ability to improve your professional status. Teammates may come up with some inspiring ideas, your enthusiasm is fueled by their support. Your humanitarian tendencies are likely to show up. People need your help, and you're there for them. The weak, the lost, the confused & the down and out bring your best qualities to the surface. Your organizational abilities show up strongly in this kind of situation. A bright friend or colleague may have a fresh idea that's interesting, but challenging. Lucky Numbers: 7, 8, 15, 30, 40, 46    Read more...

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