Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
April 7, 2014 - April 13, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Struggle and expense are BOTH very likely, especially the 8th to 10th and poor cooperation is possible most days EXCEPT late on the 7th, 9th and 11th. The rest of the time, even the more reliable members may fail you, creating gross disappointment and some 'sadness' for an 'odd or unusual' reason; definitely untypical...! Once you are back on your feet, [which happens quickly the 10th into 11th ] you can start sorting who's to blame, manage the 'discipline' hold a talk or soft peddle a negotiation. Things appear tip-top by the 11th for Juggers who hit this one.
Love Horoscope
Romance is a hot bed of promise this week and those of you who 'feel like you MISSED the boat' over the last 12 to 14 months, may have a BIG SURPRISE discovery this week as something comes in what may be an 'almost served up by the universe' serendipitous encounter! Paired Totters simply mend any fences, large or small and then end up 'laughing about it'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Many hands make SHORT work and you can call upon the pal patties of Pisces, Virgo, Cancer, Leo and Aries this week and find a plethora of 'return good karma' on ALL the past 'good deeds' you put out in the past. CALL those favors in. Now, some of you MAY find a pal really 'lets you down and disappoints you'. That may happen but first check what THEY have going on and IF there isn't a really good excuse, then just consider NEVER doing anything for them in the future and/or 'keep a better balance sheet' with that one! AND.. don't be afraid to say "Hey, when I helped you bla-bla..." or "you owe me buddy!" It's the squeaky hinge that gets the oil.
Career Highlights
MANY Aquarius will be doing one of TWO things this week; lapping up the fruits of the last years VERY hard labor; perhaps working their butts off after finally finding employment OR... pushing 'big projects' and goals the 'last few yards of the long journey' and getting them totally AIR BORN very, VERY soon. For those not in either camp, it appears to be 'business as usual' with the exception of the 9th and 11th being very BUSY and productively profitable days! GRAB that phone if you are in a competitive arena, especially if it rings late on the 7th, early on the 8th, early on the 9th , don't bother with the 10th and later on the 11th. BE THERE!
Offered but you have to 'be there to collect'.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Clear, clever and cunning
Karma Numbers:
8, 9, 11, 15, 101
Buzz Words:
Avoid 'down time' the 8th to 10th by eating, resting and drinking responsibly.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by new possibilities, ideas, visions, and dreams that come to you. It may not seem completely realistic or practical at first, but once you decide what you want, you can put the wheels in motion. You'll be very productive. You'll be able to solve problems effortlessly, even when others are uncooperative. You might not be very tolerant & be easily frustrated by people who don't listen to you. Don't let them get the best of you. Stay very focused and be clear about what you expect. State it as precisely as possible. If you do this exercise, you'll sharpen your powers of communication. If you're not on track, an argument or dispute may get your attention. You could run into complications on the job due to some long-distance interference. You've got major responsibilities and you don't appreciate this kind of meddling. Don't make a big fuss about it. Eliminate the problem through careful, quiet discussion. Lucky Numbers: 3, 11, 17, 31, 41, 42 Read more...
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