Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
September 23, 2019 - September 29, 2019
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
Family and Personal Life
Indications for Monday the 23rd seem to be that most of your intentions are to see problems where there are none and worry about things that are not here yet. My daddy always used to say that worry is interest we pay on money that we have not borrowed yet. If the bank called you and said we hear you're thinking of buying a car so we want to start charging you interest on it already. Wouldn't you think they were crazy? So why are you worrying about something that's not here yet or hasn't happened yet? Give worry the boot!
Tuesday the 24th indications are that you can heal through creative visualization and end whatever types of physical or psychological problems you have by seeing them as gone. There's also indications for excellent opportunities to plan reunions or any kind of travel today whether it's small and local or big and opulent.
Wednesday the 25th exciting news is likely along with invitations to social events and other types of exciting opportunities both personal and career.
Thursday the 24th most of your day seems to go very well but the later PM hours warn that there are mistakes in both impulse spending and overspending so if you shop make sure you keep receipts or stop yourself on the spot.
Friday the 27th indications are for a busy and demanding day but one that holds wonderful opportunities if you are willing to be savvy enough to have the patience and the good timing to know exactly when and how to move on them. Your evening hours are relaxing but you must finish what you start throughout the day.
Saturday the 28th is a relief and the total change from the week and indications are for a wonderful me time day where you can relax and enjoy yourself.
Sunday the 29th most of your day runs along smoothly but there is a warning in your stars that the later evening hours you grow short-fused and may grow a nasty tongue.
Love and Romance
Romance does very well this week for single Virgos with stellar accomplishments near the 24th/25th that may be cause for planning/celebration and could lead to travel/trysting near the 28th. Paired Virgos may be confronted with the need to process and vent near the 25th to 27th and ignoring it would not be good, especially if paired to Leo, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio or Gemini. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
New friends near the 24ht to 26th are highly likely and may relate back to the summer holidays or events and you only now have time to catch up and cash in on those made over the last 90 days, especially if they are Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer or Leo; then they tend to be life long, serious or powerful pals.
Career Advancements
Helpful personalities may range from coworkers like Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius or Aries the 23rd to 25th and power people like Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Cancer the 26th to 28th that serve to mentor, foster or promote by lifting worries and fears from your back. Being handed opportunity any day this week is likely but it may come in different forms through the week.
Financial Outlook
Choppy at times but filled with excellent potential and promise.
Overview for Virgo
State of Mind:
In need of strength and direction the 25th to 27th and then just fine.
Karma Numbers:
3, 6, 9, 27, 80
Buzz Words:
One day at a time.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by it being a good time to analyze what you consider meaningful and important in your personal and domestic relationships. You may not be able to resist getting involved in the superficial concerns of loved ones. This can lead you to overburden yourself with everyone else's affairs except your own. You may have to disengage yourself before falling into the trap of having your life consumed by others now. Find time to pamper or indulge yourself in something which gives you personal satisfaction, rather than feeling pressured to meet the expectations and needs of other people at this time. If you are a writer, this will be a most magical time, a period for inspiration of a very high order. Make space in your life to use your creative potential now. Try getting away from it all so that you are free to let your feelings wander. This is not a time when you want to tough it out. Read more...