Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
September 23, 2019 - September 29, 2019
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
Family and Personal Life
Monday the 23rd many of you may find an altered change in your life with an upgrade or improvement of some kind and more cheerful support from others and less pestering likely. A lighter attitude is always welcomed.
Tuesday the 24th most of your day goes along very well with good news on finance and getting permission to do the things you wish to do. There is employment for the unemployed and upgrades in current status or positions likely for a hefty cross-section of you. The later afternoon hours may contain a small shift or change for a thin cross-section of you of some kind that requires patience. The evening appears to be filled with personal gatherings and highly enjoyable plan making for holiday gatherings or reunions.
Wednesday the 25th some of you may suffer from fatigue, low back issues, headache or sinus problems and other minor illnesses that last only the day. This is only for a minor cross-section of you. For the rest of you it's a typical day with typical demands and one you can sail through with an arm behind your back.
Thursday the 26th is ideal for those of you who have special plans you have been working on and want to put into place and launch. Most of you will find an excellent launch and better results than you expected. Avoid spending money in the evening and watch for mistakes in spending as well.
Friday the 27th indications are for paperwork, contracts, fine or detailed work and paying attention to the bottom line or small print and listening for the catchphrase in offers or discussions that are held. You will have a successful day if you do.
Saturday the 28th is a relaxing day for most of you but one that is best spent on me time and spent alone if you can manage it. Interruptions and distractions appear likely even if you do manage to have the day to yourself. The rest of you may find that you are sent on many errands or have several requests made of you and have your time stolen from you.
Sunday the 29th is a far better day and your altruistic goals seem to be to serve others and take care of the ones that you love as your feelings for others are totally different today.
Love and Romance
Most of your problems with love this week are slow to show and fast to leave. Once you kick butt you rock out. Singles score best the 24th to 27th and then the weekend becomes risky, chancy and unreliable. Paired Totters do very well the 24th to 27th but need to avoid money discussions the 25th/26th and stall them off but get them done/addressed before the 27th ends. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
You are always number one with a bullet with your pals and this week will be no exception. Running to you with big problems are likely to be your Geminis, Virgos, Libra, Aries or out of control Sagittarius, Leo or Aquarius. Sit them down, calm them down, listen close and give them a big dose of the truth! You'll not get the old, "shoot the messenger" treatment and if you do, then show them this and tell them, "shame on you!" They will back peddle big time, I promise you!
Career Advancements
A co venture may go very well the 23rd/24th and as a result, you may be given additional opportunity, which can lead to promotion or profit. Your ability to see the end result/solution near the 24th into 25th may pin a metal on your chest and garner the support or catch the eye of more than one Mr. Big. Avoid gossipers, time wasters and foolish behavior near the 25th to 27th, especially if it could be anything that may be construed as some form of inappropriate behavior or, worse yet a, sexual harassment.
Financial Outlook
Promising and powerful
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Highly insightful, deeply creative and crystal clear.
Karma Numbers:
8, 11, 15, 22, 401k
Buzz Words:
Two: Set a sound example. Solve quickly and originally at any expense.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by intense emotions which may come up now, either passion or disappointment, compulsion or manipulation. You can love and hate at the same time so give yourself space for extreme feelings and use this time to air out old issues. Life could be feeling just a little chaotic right now. Order is not what seems to be happening with surprises popping up all over the place. You can feel a bit nervous, unable to sit still or concentrate. You need some space right now in order to break old habits and get out of the old routine. A trip to nature may be just the tonic for you this coming weekend. Read more...