Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

June 10, 2013 - June 16, 2013

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Family and Personal Life

Your insights are great about other members the 10th, but not yourself. You may reveal more of your own frustrations and emotions than you think. Your sarcasm may slip out undetected by your own self. Later on the 10th and possibly into the 11th , you may even do some 'jumping to conclusions' unless you take the time to 'go over everything' in your mind and make NO 'assumptions' of any kind. A wise decision the 12th and maybe again the 14th. A fun gathering the 14/15th may be great but may be costly financially. Think 'rent or borrow' before you crack out money to solve or buy.

Love and Romance

Romance does well this week as long as you don't aim that 'conclusion and assumption' trend the wrong way near the 10th to 12th and again the 14/15th. These last eclipse windows did not help, especially the one that opened 5/25/13; that one got you BAD! IF you find you made a boo-boo, fix it fast as some problems or issues MAY still be lingering FROM the 25th! Single Virgos may strike it rich, since their stars show some steamy potential for the 13th to 16th that turn your head in a heartbeat! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

ONE of the great 'helpful energies' this week may be a 'head's up' given to you by a good pal near the 10th to 12th about your attitude, behavior or 'state of mind' in that you are making an 'unwise decision' or assumption of 'some kind'. Better listen, especially IF it's a Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius doing the talking!

Career Advancements

Once we are past the 'pit fall' energy of the 10/11th and that 'nasty energy' that may be left from the full moon/eclipse in Sagittarius 5/25/13, you may be able to really progress faster than expected, especially IF you get any level of help from coworkers or power people who are Leo, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius or Capricorn personalities. You should be 'good to go' after THEY make a 'pitch for you'. Then it is a clear shot to cooperative and constructive accomplishments, likely to hit in like a 'string of grapes' from later July into later Aug. '13.

Financial Outlook


Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Clear once we hit the 12th.

Karma Numbers:

12, 22, 26, 36, 44

Buzz Words:

Decisions 'in process'

Compatible Sign(s):


General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by positive changes that bring new enthusiasm to your life. It's back to the drawing board to make changes to that important proposal you have been working on. You may run into past acquaintances through work-related functions. Be polite. You should extend a helping hand to friends or relatives having trouble updating their personal investments or papers. Your kind gesture will be handsomely rewarded. You will explode if you are forced to deal with relatives who don't see your point of view. Make financial investments with extreme caution. You can spark enthusiasm in others. Once you realize your leadership potential you'll be off to the races. Travel should be on your agenda. You can obtain knowledge if you keep an open mind. Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 13, 15, 27, 39. Read more...