Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
June 10, 2013 - June 16, 2013
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
Family and Personal Life
Your hopes are high the 10/11th and your ESP sharp but the two may cause a small conflict and you may end up 'torn between two choices or two agendas/members' and then what will you do? Compromise, that's what! Keep any comments others make to yourself this week and do NOT SHARE them with other members as a 'domino affect' and a 'squabble' could result. You may actually SEE this in families where members didn't READ this sort of thing to 'know not to do it'. Take back your control by shutting out pushy members quietly and without a lot of 'talking or announcing your intentions'. Focus on YOUR needs and goals, especially the 14th to 16th. Some of you may hit a SMALL financial roadblock the 12/13th but it will clear if you are patient and 'savvy' with it
Love and Romance
Romance does very well this week and 'growth potential' is both promising and rewarding, especially in matches with Leo, other Totters, Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Libra. Long talks really help you to 'see each others view points'. Learning how to please and impress your love interest and give yourself a TON more 'security' this week! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Friends gather for a variety of reasons this week and you may be at the center of those, especially if 'problem solving' or 'panic' is the topic and particularly IF Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces or other Totters are involved. Your PAST accomplishments may speak volumes to others! Trade on that! LOL. Bank some good 'return karma'.
Career Advancements
IF you are spoken to in any unkind or 'questionable way' this week, say nothing NOW, but go through 'proper channels'. There MAY be strong change going on overhead and you are NOT seeing it. Boss, lateral power people and even same level coworkers may make some hefty mistakes this week that could end up 'documented' and you do NOT want to be in/with or among them! Chances are IF anything happens, it will not be addressed until AFTER 6/23 properly anyway. Do not 'call attention to yourself' until then. Trust me on this! For those of you who regretfully 'hit' this one and do not listen; use the week of the 17th near the 20/21st to 'dig yourself out.
Financial Outlook
Slightly challenging at times but 'not all that bad' after all.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Practical and in need of careful 'monitoring' of your surroundings.
Karma Numbers:
11, 95, 144, 1,000 and companies formed or people born in 1995 or the year 2000.
Buzz Words:
Be aware if/when in traffic.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to be charmed by someone of the opposite sex. You may be led astray if you listen to a big talker. Do a little research before getting involved in a financial venture. Situation that may be risky. Sudden romantic infatuations may throw you for a loop. Take your time if you wish things to work in your favor. Be honest and direct for best results. Romantic opportunities will develop. Be careful not to let colleagues get the wrong idea. You can help others make wise choices when it comes to their personal financial position. Partners will be full of enthusiasm, but they will also be overly emotional. Try to balance the situation carefully to avoid confusion and uncertainty. Give your mate space. Lucky numbers: 4, 12, 23, 25, 27, 29. Read more...