Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
December 19, 2011 - December 25, 2011
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
A lot of soothing a placating may have your nerves AND your patience worn down by the later hours of the 22nd, when you are prone to 'lose your cool' a bit too quickly, especially over behavior issues or anything involving elders, in-laws, ex's or extended family choices or decisions; render your opinion, illustrate your point and then strive for 'compromise' if you wish to keep the 23rd to 25th 'in good shape'.
Love Horoscope
Romance may prove to be rather disappointing early in the week when cooperation flips back and forth, delays, does 180's and may provide some outright 'confrontation' for a few Virgos. The good news is that for paired or single, alike, success 'falls into place' with a comfortable thud almost like magic the 22nd; just after your patience leaves town! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Unexpected invitations, pals 'dropping in' running into old friends unexpectedly and all forms of 'hearing from old cronies' is likely this week as sentiment surfaces near the 19th to 21st and again the 24th. Having to hand-hold for a pal in distress is likely near the 22nd with Pisces, Capricorn, Leo, Aries and Aquarius buddies heading the list.
Career Highlights
Hard work and/or work being 'shoved off on you' are likely near the 19/20th, especially IF a coworker's absence is the cause; illness OR vacation. Work late the 20th but be sure to leave any and ALL 'personal issues or discussions' out of the equation. An unexpected 'turn of events' near the 22nd may shorten your fuse; hide it big time! A 'mistake' made just near the 'close of business day' could be the cause and until you make sure it was NOT a power person; zip your lip.
Actually, rather good
Overview for Virgo
State of Mind:
Somewhat 'unaware' at times; give issues lots of 'room and time'.
Karma Numbers:
0, 2, 13, 23, 32
Buzz Words:
Hide ALL 'personal' feelings, opinions and etc until ALL info is revealed.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by re-organization & your ability to fit into new situations & surroundings. Your willingness to confide in others could get you in a little trouble. Think twice before sharing information. You may not think it's very important, but it could be to someone else. Use discretion, and avoid saying too much. You sometimes feel like you have to do a balancing act. It's okay to feel the security you have in your relationships, just be aware of deceit. Take this attitude wherever you go. Set your goals & focus on them full force. Help will arrive from existing networks. By week's end you should be able to spoil yourself for a job well done, maybe a romantic getaway. Read more...
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