Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
December 19, 2011 - December 25, 2011
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Your level of indecision vacillates greatly the 19tht o 21st but settles nicely after the 22nd and the 'more information' you'll need to make informed decisions. A level of fatigue and set backs the 23rd may scare you for the day but you appear to fix things nicely JUST in time for the weekend to unfold 'without a hitch' once again! Emotions may cause minor bickering with SOME members the 20th to 22nd but don't let that slow you down; push past it with tact and settle it quickly. Spending may go on the rise for entertainment, travel, visitors and last minute needs the 21st, 23rd and again the 24th but you'll handle it all 'in style and in synch'. Do not allow in-laws, extended family or 'ex's' to call the shots near the 20th or 23rd IF you wish to keep the peace. Agree and stick to it the 19th.
Love Horoscope
Romance does WELL this week near the 19/20th and again the 24/25th but for SINGLE Fish only as paired ones appear to hold several discussions and decisions; the BEST of which appear to be the 22nd and 24th; IF held early in the day on both. A minor 'problem or bad decision' near the evening of the 22nd appears to relate to something said or promised; FIND a compromise IF you wish to hang on to happiness. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Friends gather for a variety of reasons and your sentiment controls your spending BIG TIME this week! While sentiment runs deep, avoid check grabbing and 'posturing' the 21st to 23rd or risk having it 'cost you elsewhere' especially IF you're guilty of 'showboating' for Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer, other Fish or Capricorn. Forgetting a birthday or 'special event' of a pal is a threat this week; plan, send, buy, wrap and/or card in advance!
Career Highlights
Here we see several good 'windows' with power AND money people, especially the 19/20th, early on the 21st and late on the 23rd. Be willing to stay late and/or travel when others are NOT! You could establish yourself while others are 'abusing or using their power' in exchange for free time or 'favors'. Saving a power person's BUTT by correcting a 'flaw or outright mistake' the 22nd is a possibility; keep a low profile and bring it to their attention LATER near the 28th to 30th.
GOOD but draining at times
Overview for Pisces
State of Mind:
Insightful and foresighted BUT: double check your ESP the 22nd.
Karma Numbers:
3, 16, 21, 26, 63
Buzz Words:
USE confidence; don't 'exude it'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to reconnect with past friends & family. You will have no problem finding ways to get others interested in what you are doing. Organize events that require endurance. Spend time with those who have similar interests & morals. Channel your energy into making money. Debates will bring distance between you and your friends. You will be tempted to overspend, so leave money in the bank. You will gain respect and close deals by being your charming self. Don't let anyone take you for granted. Don't spend more than you can afford to part with. Organize activities that will include friends. You are bored with some of the connections you've made & need to re-evaluate things. Take part in competitive sports or games. You need an outlet for your pent-up energy. Read more...
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