Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

October 17, 2011 - October 23, 2011

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Family and Personal Life

Spending may definitely go 'on the rise' for some Bulls, especially near the 18th, for what may be more elective or big ticket goodies and again near the 20th to 22nd for needs of members, especially Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Aries, Libra or any with health, education, vehicle or counseling concerns. A long and somewhat 'draining or demanding' discussion is likely near the 22/23rd but appears to restore much needed harmony and balance, especially where spouse, in-law/s, ex's or extended family issues are concerned.

Love and Romance

Romance may take on a more urgent tone near the 17th to 19th as commitment and more 'final decisions or negotiations' are likely. Too much emotion displayed or 'reacted to' near the 19/20th may complicate current status for some Bulls, especially IF they are paired to Cancer, Capricorn, Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, Scorpio or Sagittarius. Talk it out but calmly. Single Bulls show best potential near the later hours of the 18th, all day the 21st and 23rd. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

Friends may bring 'their relationship problems' to you and IF you happen to know or like 'both parties concerned' it may be VERY wise to take an extremely neutral position, possibly to the point of taking a pass on even NOT 'discussing things unless both are present'. In any case, should THIS one manifest, my big tip is to be very careful who you back and what you say, especially the 21st to 23rd.

Career Advancements

Having to do a lot of leg work, ground work and research before investing time, effort, money OR reputation may be wise this week near the 19th, again the 20th and in any situation where your 'reputation' is at risk. Co ventures near the 18th appear to be lucrative and highly successful, while the very SAME thing, possibly even with the same parties or subject matter, may NOT be the 20/21st. Show a considered presence of 'respect for power people' the 20th to 22nd.

Financial Outlook

Choppy at times, slightly risky and often demanding.

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Rather 'savvy and aware'.

Karma Numbers:

4, 12, 20, 35, 45

Buzz Words:

Consideration in communication: "Is this a good time? Have you a free moment?" and including brief 'niceties' as openers for example.

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Virgo

General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to make a very good first impression. People with good attitudes are much easier to be around. So, just be yourself and others will fall in love with you. Use your time wisely and spend it with children who need your guidance. It'll really help you to feel the magic again. Your impeccable charm will help you to handle your responsibilities with strong authority and creative style. Important details may be overlooked by those who do not care. You need to oversee everything of any importance. Pace yourself so that you don't get too tired or run down. Since you may not get the time to play that you wanted, find ways to enjoy whatever it is that you have to do. Even if you don't accomplish much, at least you'll have a good time doing it. By week's end, your life will feel stirred up into a romantic flurry. Wish on a star, it may just come true. Read more...