Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
October 17, 2011 - October 23, 2011
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
Family and Personal Life
A strong overtone of 'challenge' is indicated the 17th to 20th and your patience, wallet, judgment and emotional tolerance may be tested, and daily! Minor illness, injury and fatigue may present potential challenges with digestive, especially food contamination, shin, finger and toe injuries, common cold/flu, sinus, fluid imbalances, female problems for Girl Sea Goats and some knee/ankle distress/injury appear to head the list of likely causes for 'down time'. An emotional clash near the 20th, especially with Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aries, Libra or elders/parents of any sign is possible. Push past it and 'hide' your personal feelings for the time being.
Love and Romance
Romance may hold FAR too much 'emotional hassle' for the average Sea Goat this week, leading me to comment that unless a problem is either 'really big/threatening' or concerns loyalty/fidelity issues, stalling until the evening of the 26th or shortly after might be advisable. Single Caps show promising potential all day the 17th and 21st to 23rd. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Being called upon to 'play referee' or issue an opinion is likely this week near the 18th or 20th but I advise you to 'take a pass' if you can at ALL, especially IF Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo or Libra pals are involved. Do not, repeat, do NOT get between two pals of the signs listed or you will risk a hefty 'or else' regardless of how 'easy' or helpful your involvement may appear at the time.
Career Advancements
Finding a tactful way to 'un involve yourself' this week in any challenging or politically HOT potato situations is also VERY wise, especially IF they unfold near the 18th to 20th. Make sure you 'complete as much as possible' the 17th as complications, pile ups and 'redoing it' are highly likely results the 18/19th. Being 'handed' a plum project is likely near the 21st, especially IF Leo, Libra, Aries, Aquarius or Pisces is doing the assigning.
Financial Outlook
Overview for Capricorn
State of Mind:
Insightful and 'aware' so learn to respect it and follow it.
Karma Numbers:
4, 8, 9, 12, 49
Buzz Words:
Accomplish with 'ease' or at least, make it 'look that way'.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to get things completed prior to starting your next project. You've gotten behind and need to get a better grasp of things. You usually work hard but lately you've been very lax in matters of importance. Everyone is a specialist or is in need of one. Prove that you know more than your history suggests. Save time and money by drawing on the resources that you already possess. If this strategy has worked for you in the past, then it will probably work again. Strike a happy medium with authorities who are being too rigid about your boundaries. An apology, a smile or a hug will get you what you want. Things are changing quickly and you need to get with the program. True friendships will be able to withstand the upcoming changes. By week's end you'll feel in control once again. Friends and family will notice the transformation and be very happy with the results. You'll have the upper hand in a friendship or romance. Promise them a massage and your wish will be their command. Read more...