Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio
November 19, 2012 - November 25, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
You may be center stage the 19th to 21st serving, saving and supporting 'left and right' especially for Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus and any member stressed by finance. Burdens tend to lift quickly the 22nd and your focus shifts to 'trying too hard' wanting too much and going 'over the top a tad' especially if Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer or children of any sign are involved. An insightful exchange/discussion appears likely the 25th.
Love Horoscope
Romance may 'hit a wall' for a small cross section of Stingers the 20th to 2nd and termination energy IS possible for an even smaller percentage of those, especially IF paired to Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, other Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius. An 'honest' discussion BEFORE sunset the 22nd may salvage everything. Be sure to 'soft peddle' issues again the 23rd. This is a very good week for singles with the 19th, 21st and 24/25th good days 'all days long'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Your intervention may help save a friendship for a pal but IF these are two pals of YOURS, be very careful of your 'middle position' and the image you project. It may be safer to step in between a pal and a 'stranger to you' than two people 'well known to you' especially a 'mated pair'.
Career Highlights
Good news may hit in the 19th to 21st and one piece or more may come in EACH day! Projects and goals NOT achieved successfully by the 22nd may stall badly and could spin into a vortex until as near the 26/27th or more likely, as far out as the week of 12/10/12 or even into Feb/March '13. What does NOT 'nail down this week' could 'drizzle, fizzle or fail outright'.
Good until the 22nd only.
Overview for Scorpio
State of Mind:
Insightful and almost 'too clear' and growing more 'pushy' after the 23rd.
Karma Numbers:
11, 14, 15, 33, 40
Buzz Words:
Card 'close to your vest'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by new dynamic cycle of change that is about ready to begin. Unpredictable events may disrupt your routine greatly. You may find it hard to get a clear response from a co-worker, mate. You need the information & you need it now, but somehow it may not be forthcoming. Try asking again, with finer delicacy. It may just be that, there's more here than meets the eye. An act of kindness or gesture of caring can melt the resistance and get you what you want. Your generosity could also put you in the poorhouse. Try not to give others too much. Give them your time, not from your wallet. Read more...
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