Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
November 19, 2012 - November 25, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
A busy and demanding 10/20th may dip into your wallet and time/effort reserves but appears to bring you both cheer and satisfaction as both excitement and anticipation levels 'build' toward what appears to be an exciting event and/or change of some kind near the 22nd and 25th. You do have ONE 'pit fall' day and that is the 23rd, when you are prone to false starts, accidents and having to 're do' things, especially in dealings with/for Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius or other Totter members.
Love Horoscope
Romance does show ONE problem area and that appears to be the later hours of the 22nd, when you are prone to 'building/reading too much into the day' and the 23rd when 'carry over' FROM that day/situation may further complicate or exacerbate a situation IF you don't 'talk it out' confront the problem elements of it and handle it with the diligence it deserves, especially IF paired to Aries, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo or Capricorn. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Listen to pals who offer helpful 'head's up' and remember to make your own decisions and choices but to see their 'warning' as the kind offering/s it is meant to be. Don't shoot the messenger, especially IF they are right about 'behavior' particularly sexual, emotional or psychological.
Career Highlights
Better cooperation, power people favoring you 'outright' and other 'changes' that happen suddenly to 'open doors of opportunity' appear to flow in this week starting as soon as the 19/20th, escalating both on and off site the 21/22nd and then 'slipping back' but only 'temporarily' the 23rd. ANYTHING that 'goes on hold' the 23rd is 'par for the course' and should be 'taken in stride' as it will most likely lift, repeal or pick up momentum as quickly as the 26th, 29/30th or as far out as the week of 12/17/12.
About to improve nicely.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Insightful but prone to distraction temporarily the 22nd into 23rd.
Karma Numbers:
3, 9, 12, 39, 93, including 1993.
Buzz Words:
Creative insight
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by partnerships, teamwork & working towards your mutual goals. You know it is impossible to accomplish anything if you try to do it alone. Bring your leadership qualities to the surface & help organize your mutual efforts. Arguments with family or friends may really set you off. Try hard not to instigate unnecessary friction with anyone. It would be best for you to stay put & avoid conversations that are controversial to start with. Follow your basic instincts & you'll do very well. Exercise your rights & don't fear the unknown. Discovery must become your passion. Read more...
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