Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius
April 30, 2012 - May 6, 2012
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius
Family and Personal Life
Keep your word to members the 30th, especially over money issues or if they are Taurus, Cancer, Leo or other Sags. Disappointment levels may ruin contentment levels by/before the 2/3rd, if you don't! A long discussion is likely near the 3rd; give it your full attention. A decision may be required the 4th or 6th and is likely to be related to or a result OF the discussion the 3rd.
Love and Romance
Romance does 'alright' but there are Archers who will not be 'happy with the status quo' and try to 'tweak it better' thus causing misunderstandings, especially IF you're paired with Leo, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus or are discussing money; send out the RIGHT message and if you get/see any 'odd looks' make sure you fix/correct the subject at hand. Single Archers do best near the 2nd to 4th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
A pal may have a problem 'a distance away' and you MAY be required to assist in some way; send money, go get them, comfort them via phone/net or provide other support for them in your local area. Whatever the request, consider the 'history' of what this person has/had done for you in the past and if it's worthy of the 'extra 9 yards' do it!
Career Advancements
You may be excited about something the 30th, only to have it do a 180 on you by the 1/2nd. Don't get frazzled; it will fix 'almost on its own' an in record time, especially IF Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer or 'just money' fixes it. Capricorn, Scorpio and Aries may be very helpful if/when you 'get in the pinches' of a problem. Call upon them. Answer all communications quickly the 3/4th. Do NOT leave it 'go over the weekend'.
Financial Outlook
Fair to good
Overview for Sagittarius
State of Mind:
In need of 'following through'.
Karma Numbers:
6, 11, 15, 19, 46
Buzz Words:
Holiday 'frame of mind'.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by teamwork, friendships & accomplishments. Lucrative business opportunities are likely. Take the plunge and get involved in a joint venture. Avoid detail-oriented tasks, try to work with others as much as possible. Try a little idea-generation and offer your assistance to colleagues. Don't say things that may come back to haunt you. Personal problems will play on your mind. You must be willing to move on and let go of the past if you wish to get over the unpleasantness you've experienced. Changes are in order, so you better look at your own interests, first. Get rid of financial & emotional debts. Your overhead may be causing undue stress that you can do without. Read more...