Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
April 30, 2012 - May 6, 2012
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
Family and Personal Life
Spending appears go on the rise near the 1st into later 4th and 'big time' for needs, medical, dcor, gifting, travel and accommodating or rewarding 'behavior'. Cancers with college aged youth may find an extra measure of spending required to 'vest' in someone's future. Visitors, travel, mile stone events and invitations involving the 5/6th may also drive up additional spending.
Love and Romance
Romance does well with excellent promise up the WAZOO for singles as hefty 'love fortune' settles down upon you near the 2nd to 5th in an almost 'magic' sparking 'once in a lifetime' connection. Some of you may actually 'see/feel' some kind of 'larger hand' in dynamics as they unfold. Capricorn, Virgo, Libra, other Crabs, Taurus and Scorpio appear most promising, but really, the whole Zodiac is up for grabs! Paired Crabs hold long and important financial discussions and decisions; don't let emotions sully your 'snap' near the 4th to 6th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
William Shakespeare said it best in Hamlet; "Neither a lender nor a borrower BE!" This is a good week to remember that one! Long talks, hand holding or lending moral support may be required near the 4th to 6th as you 'knock yourself out' for pals like Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Leo or Aries.
Career Advancements
Keep things moving near the 30th an appear 'busy and indispensable' whatever your job/position. Focus on details the 1/2nd, facts the 3rd and timing the 4th and you'll have a successful week in business. Any of you who have to work the 5th may find it a long, demanding and thankless day, BUT, highly profitable. Fatigue/problems may hit in near the 8th from 'over doing it' or any 'mistakes' this week.
Financial Outlook
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Vulnerable at times but very 'manageable'.
Karma Numbers:
6, 12, 15, 34, 54
Buzz Words:
Balance to level out any 'differences'.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a sense of excitement in your personal as well as your professional life. You'll experience a surprising amount of passion. Life is interesting when there's some mystery involved. Channel your desires into activities that are community oriented. Nothing is certain, but you're in a good position for advancement. You're wealthy and well-equipped spiritually. You'll be able to find deeper meanings to your spiritual feelings. You need to believe in your own potential. When others aren't sure what to do, use your perceptiveness to help them to find their way. You don't want to waste your time on a losing proposition, however if you support the right cause, you may find some personal satisfaction, as well. Read more...