Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius
August 11, 2008 - August 17, 2008
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius
Family and Personal Life
Your insights are very good the 11th and following your gut feelings may save members time, money and/or grief! Speak up! A long or quiet talk near the 12th may help prevent a problem or avoid an expense. Parents, elders and anyone with health issues near the 13/14th may need your 'special time/attention.' Fun gatherings near the 15th to 17th appear richly rewarding. Some kind of 'good or exciting news' may unfold the 16th.
Love and Romance
Romance does well this week with several 'offers' likely. Some Archers will see more than one string to their bow! Choices may be with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Leo or Libra. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces matches may present a need for 'calm discussion.' A good outcome is likely. A 'hot connection' near the 15th to 17th may be an upgrade, proposal or new love. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Old pals may 'resurface,' this week or cycle back into your 'circle of influence' with Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Aries and Libra likely candidates. Travel invitations and being included in upcoming 'plans' is likely near the 13th to 17th.
Career Advancements
Fast paced moves and decisions may 'rock your world' near the 11th to 13th and praise, raise and promotion is likely. Having things change 'above you' and open positions up for new opportunities is likely. Having to talk, explain or 'present' is possible near the 13th to 15th and you must appear informed and in control at all times. Dress, talk and act 'traditional and solid' the 15th, right down to the navy blue, pin stripe.
Financial Outlook
Takes money to make money
Overview for Sagittarius
State of Mind:
In 'growing awareness'
Karma Numbers:
4, 8, 40, 48, 90
Buzz Words:
Invest, impress and invite
Compatible Sign(s):
Aries, Leo, Libra and other Sagittarius
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to see past the immediate. Someone you least expect may try to lead you in the wrong direction. Opportunities to meet new friends will unfold if you attend seminars, or conventions. Investment opportunities will be favorable as long as you go it alone and don't partake in joint ventures. Keep an open mind, your stubborn nature may cause you to lose a friend that you care about. Don't be too eager to let others in on your personal secrets. Rumors will lead to a poor reputation. Take the time for reading material that will help your self-image. Your lover may take drastic measures to get your attention. Don't overreact or allow your temper to explode. Work quietly behind the scenes, paying special attention to detail. Read more...