Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Aries Horoscopes

August 11, 2008 - August 17, 2008

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Family and Personal Life

A fast pace with several errands and a good amount of travel or 'dashing' is likely the 11/12th. Stay 'in body' or risk mistakes that may upset family life. Poor communications the 13/14th may place extra time and effort into common chores unless you are clear. A lot of work is indicated for the 16th but may be 'happy duty' of some kind. The 17th is not the time to launch any form of 'change' within the family.

Love and Romance

Romance heats up the 11th but cools quickly mid week until the more aggressive energies of the full moon near the 15th to 17th. Hearing from lover interests 'a distance away' is likely along with proposals for upgrades. Single Rams do very well at daytime meetings and gatherings. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

New friends are likely this week, especially near the 11th and 15th. Doing favors for pals, especially those traveling or on vacation is likely. Appears to be house, pet or baby-sitting and may also extend to coworkers who need to 'cover something' for them.

Career Advancements

You appear to 'wear many hats' this week in a real 'mixed bag' of duties an goals. Having to 'do it yourself,' the 11th is likely. Getting favors done by power people is easiest the 11th and 15th. Return messages fast the 14th. Avoid impractical choices the 14/15th or 'appearing wasteful' in any way.

Financial Outlook

Fair only

Overview for Aries

State of Mind:

A bit too aggressive early in the week, frustrated mid week and overloaded at week's end.

Karma Numbers:

4, 5, 11, 15, 22

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):


General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to allow others the freedom they require. Don't try to push your beliefs on them. Friends will be able to give you some sound advice if you open up about your personal concerns. Talk to those you respect about your professional intentions. You may want to look into ways of making a little extra cash. Offer your services to those in a position to hire you. Don't spend too much on travel or friends. Opportunities to meet new and exciting individuals may develop through educational pursuits. Sign up for lectures or courses to broaden your horizons. Pursue competitive outdoor activities that will be sure to bring you the stimulation you require. You will be able to motivate others in a positive manner that will bring favorable results. Read more...