Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

December 23, 2019 - December 29, 2019


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 23rd runs very smoothly and quite accomplished but you do seem to be called upon frequently to assist others, especially in the morning hours. You then appear to be free to do what you wish with your afternoon and evening, which is highly accomplished.

Tuesday the 24th your judgment is very poor during the late morning and early afternoon hours and you must watch your money and making change very closely. The balance of your day is richly and emotionally rewarding and there are fun parties and gatherings to be had.

Wednesday the 25th is an extremely enjoyable day and you may have to have some crying on your shoulder but it seems to be short-lived as you glide through the day easily helping others and enjoying a wonderful day.

Thursday the 26th your ESP is in tip-top shape and good enough to take to the casino, so if you got money for Christmas, you may be able to double it.

Friday the 27th the new moon and solar eclipse have brought you to a new space and many of you are seeing things more clearly now than you have for many weeks, if not months. Make your choices and work hard on new directions and new opportunities, as many of them may be served up to you easier than you thought possible.

Saturday the 28th is an excellent day to relax and put some thought into how you want to maneuver yourself in your professional life, if you're not retired.

Sunday is a perfect day to strive to find your little corner of peace in the world as the day is totally perfect for getting in touch with old-fashioned, sentimental energy.

Love Horoscope

A small cross section of Fish will bite the dirt and hit termination energy of relationships that are romantic and some that are, at their core just love related. What does hit appears to make itself known in some form of omen or hint early on the 23rd, so you can brace yourself or, possibly even avoid it by or before the early hours of the 25th when it may hit in. Some of it may be expected and/or past its time anyway and a feeling of relief is likely; as an emotional burden is lifted from those small amount of Pisces who do encounter this one. As for singles, the only promising time appears to be later on the 23rd, the afternoon of the 24th , early on the 26th , all day the 27th and mid day the 28th with all of those time slots appearing very promising for long range success and, life long commitment eventually/ultimately. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Read the Love Session and follow the times listed for successful love connections for single Fish and apply those to excellent networking results for career and likely opportunity for making new friends that will prove to be both beneficial in your life in a number of helpful ways and, strong, insightful types who can serve in both career and/or personal agendas. They may reveal how useful they are in your life right off the bat as likely problems are solved withinseven to ten days of meeting them!

Career Highlights

Here, is where you need to be the most careful and tactful. Thankfully, the 23/24/25th are vacation days in most cultures. If you must work either of those days, be very cautious about the work you do and then pass on to the next person/phase and be very aware and savvy with any/all dealings verbal with power figures, especially Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Cancer or other Fish. Much will be difficult to finish or continue with success the 26/27th but if you apply yourself the most the AM of the 26th and the early PM of the 27th, you'll have your best shot at it.


Draining, demanding and other D words!

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Rather sensitive especially in receptivenes.

Karma Numbers:

2, 3, 6, 16, 66, including 1966

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to to quick to respond but gentle and sensitive when dealing with others. You are compassionate, empathetic and will always look out for everyone you care about. You are giving, loyal and true blue. Experience different cultures. You will be intrigued by the logic foreigners possess. Don't be afraid to talk to close friends or relatives about pressing personal problems. You've probably taken on too much. It may cost you but consider bringing in expert help. Don't let the cat out of the bag. You are likely to reveal information unintentionally. Travel plans are a definite possibility for many of you right now, partly because the coin and the support you need to do so is forthcoming. Get out and get a lot of exercise if you can. You have energy to burn now. If you don't jog it off, you might get touchy and pouty with others. Read more...

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