Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

December 23, 2019 - December 29, 2019


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your morning may drag a bit and there can be a sudden energy that brought change near midday but your afternoon seems to spark with life and move along quickly.

Tuesday the 24th you may have a mistake in assumption or judgment in the morning or early afternoon but your later afternoon and evening appears to be filled with excitement, fun and being the center of attention with plenty of talking.

Wednesday the 25th you must take care in the morning hours to guard against losing your temper due to frustration and knee-jerk reactions. The afternoon is filled with original problem solving and old-fashioned emotions and enjoyable gatherings. The solar eclipse and new moon on the 26th appear to give you a jump start on a new direction with all kinds of wonderful opportunities served up for a hefty cross-section of you. The 27th there's high hopes for new expansion and employment for the unemployed likely.

Saturday the 28th your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into stable Capricorn and many things settle down for the vast majority of you with reliable and professional vibes taking over.

Sunday is a relaxing day with a great many things to do and lovely mixers with friends and family.

Love Horoscope

This is not, repeat, not a good week for single Twins, who appear to only have the PM of the 24th, 27th and 28th for good luck with total strangers that can turn to long range, fulfilling and promising relationship status and the total day long of the 29th for quick starting and highly promising life long commitment level success. Paired Gemini who have been in heavily stressed status for at least a week or even much longer, may, repeat: may bite the dirt over some petty issue/s near either the 25th and/or 29th and one may be the continuation of the other or, they are connected or similar in some way. There is no saving that one if it hits. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A life long status may suffer a serious set back or test of some kind this week, especially with Leo, Aquarius, Virgo or Libra pals as a hefty dip of disappointment energy is indicated and your hopes, plans or expectations come crashing and burning to the ground! Make sure you see your own culpability in all that happens so if you do bite into this one and the friendship is toast, you do not have some deep period of regret hit in near the 29/30th to 1st. It would be a perfectly bad way to start the new year. There is also an indication that a pal may really need you badly as they themselves experience some kind of break up, loss or serious set back, with Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Cancer most likely players on this last one.

Career Highlights

This is not going to be an easy week at all. Not only is everyone with a brain gone on vacation or not hooked into what is really going on but many places may have left totally inept folks in charge and if you find you must deal with them, it may be better to just drop the whole thing that risk going from bad to worse especially the 25/26th and particularly the 29th if you work the weekend. There is no easy/good way out for you on that last one so be very careful. When in doubt; stall!


Draining and demanding.

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Nervous at times and unsure often.

Karma Numbers:

2, 3, 4, 7, 11.

Buzz Words:

Risk factor; make sure you know every aspect of any and each!

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to strengthen your position. Propose your ideas in a timely manner. Your sincere dedication will be persuasive. Your involvement in groups will bring you popularity. Don't be shy to show your abilities. You will have a jealous fit if your partner has been flirting with someone else. Self-improvement will pay off. Don't be surprised if younger relatives ask for advice. You may have been limping along lately due to your partner's income drying up or been diminished. The support that you normally would've counted on from other sources is simply not there. Soon, you will be back to your financial even keel. You are dependable, stable and willing to do whatever you can to pitch in and help. You're a lively contributor and a giving individual who will gain respect and approval from those you encounter. Read more...

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