Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

September 12, 2022 - September 18, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 12th, while your ability to influence others is very strong, if you do not focus -- and refocus often -- you will lose the ability to do so and your ability to discriminate will fade before we reach the afternoon hours. You must hold fast!

Tuesday the 13th, your insight and ESP is at an all-time high in the morning and you can use it to elicit the kind of support and cooperation from others through quiet and simple discussions and exchanges -- either on the telephone, one-on-one, or through electronic communications.

Wednesday the 14th, many opportunities may be presented to you and you are fast with your brain and even faster with your feet, as you dash from pillar to post, taking care of business in both your personal and your career life.

Thursday the 15th, the big message is to wrap up all kinds of business and take care of your full plate until it is empty. Finish, finish, finish!

Friday the 16th, many of you will gain a great deal of ground by applying yourself fully and completely -- some of you with the help of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Cancer and other Leo -- but you do have to ask.

Saturday the 17th, you are creative and inventive and able to form solutions to any problem that may surface. Although you tend to try too hard, you get the job done, nonetheless.

Sunday the 18th, sensitive emotions can cause early morning dreams to be either disturbing or delightful, depending on which camp you are in. Delightful exchanges with very sensitive and intense emotions appear likely for the balance of the day, but they are cheerful and full of rich cooperation.

Love Horoscope

Your love sensor is so mushy and abused this week, I doubt you would know if you were afoot or horse-back. Some of you are oversensitive, while others are desensitized. Many of you have been from pillar to post and while it is totally unfair, this too is a part of life. The thing to do is manage it all well and survive it. If you are lucky enough to not be in this group this week: Go home, take a bath, put on your favorite shirt and nothing else, and sing: "I'm too sexy for my shirt... too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts." Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

There may very likely be some emotion that has you by the tail, and big time, especially between Tuesday and Thursday. No matter how personal it is, whether you know about it already, or it just pops up, makes no difference. Start thinking and shopping for a good pair of ears and a strong shoulder as soon as you know what it is.

Career Highlights

Your week appears long, demanding and filled with moody days of ups and downs and in some cases outright challenges, especially near the closing hours of Tuesday right into the closing hours of Thursday. Such unpredictability is typical and even financial reversals are possible -- not likely, but possible -- especially if any bad news or complications arrive Tuesday. The vast majority of you who even come near this one, much less hit it, will only find restoration after Mercury goes direct on October 1st.


Fears, worries and anxieties run high over money this week -- unless you take strong control over your mind.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

In need of daily strong control.

Karma Numbers:

1 before or after other numbers, especially itself, doubled and paired with digits like 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 -- e.g. 119, 211, etc.

Buzz Words:

Thick as fleas on a dog's back.

Compatible Sign(s):

Pisces! A real savior at times.

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by domestic issues, which seem too large to overcome. Time to get you priorities in order. You need to find something to help you relax and relieve the stress you feel. Once you realize that the status quo is only temporary, you'll be able to get past your emotional feelings. Your mind is very active and needs some new stimulation. Try to combine your ingenuity and creativity in new directions of stress release. Invite others to spend time with you. Perhaps taking up gardening, ceramics or some other craft will help you to put things into a better perspective. Once you feel a little more in control of things, you'll be able to get past the negative influences that you've been feeling. A more positive force will allow you to reach a new level and to get past the present. Read more...

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