Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

September 12, 2022 - September 18, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 12th, your ability to influence others and exchange in discussions is extremely strong and you can sway them to your side in the blink of an eye. Use this power well to sculpt your future and theirs for their own best interests.

Tuesday the 13th, your ESP is in very fine shape and you can see the challenges coming. So sidestep them, not only for yourself, but for those you love, especially Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Cancer.

Wednesday the 14th, your morning may be slightly challenging as some of you could wake feeling a crack and half off normal and it may not be easy to shake off -- even with a few cups of coffee. Try to get your day on track and push through the challenges until you start to feel back in the groove and then your accomplishments will be quick to come and delightful to follow through with.

Thursday the 15th is a wonderful day as you are able to speed through everything that is handed to you, one after the other, like a steel trap you grabbed everything and managed it wonderfully. Finish everything that you start so nothing is carried over into Friday. Even if you must work late, it will be well worth it.

Friday the 16th you are once again a mad scientists working away in the morning hours, accomplishing one thing after the other with speed and precision. You gain ground tremendously and get leaps and bounds ahead of everything and everyone else. By the afternoon hours, many of you may be able to vacate your position for the day and get away early.

Saturday the 17th, you are creative and inventive and are able to find solutions for any problem you may have and anything you wish to do with your time. Spend it as freely as you wish as the universe has granted you carte blanche.

Sunday the 18th can be a relaxing and enjoyable day but don't make the mistake of falling into the pit trap of money discussions. Keep your day enjoyable and avoid financial issues. Overall, your weekly outlook is the best of the whole zodiac.

Love Horoscope

You may be one of the very few signs who does not know the kind of love challenges that are running amok this week. While you may have minor issues with a partner near Monday/Tuesday, none of them appear to last or contain any threat. Singles appear to find excellent promise from Wednesday to Friday. Introductions through family, friends, community groups and religious activities on Sunday may last a lifetime and boost, bolster or create successful ties. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You always get excited when new friends are predicted or indicated in your stars! This week you appear to find kindred spirits who share your same views, hobbies, passions and habits. They can come from any of the 12 signs but may prove to be Aries, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio or Leo.

Career Highlights

This is a week to be very careful, check the bottom line, stick to the plan and do not put your name to anything that is not 100% open and above board! The current retrograde could bite you on this one. Temptations to take shortcuts from Monday to Wednesday may have you ending up looking bad for a number of reasons if you give in to them. Long hours with little reward is indicated, but cutting corners to manage or handle that, is still not wise. It may prove to be really worth it near October 1st, when Mercury goes direct.


Improving but slowly; avoid loss and foolish spending from Monday to Wednesday.

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Keep yourself well directed and in good spirits; if you have to work to hide any negative energies.

Karma Numbers:

4, 5, 11, 16, 22

Buzz Words:

I am bigger than that.

Compatible Sign(s):

Aries, Leo, Libra, Gemini

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by the feeling that you need to get your life back to normal. Lately, things seems to have gone completely off kilter. You may have been taken off track from your interests and your goals. Other situations have taken over and become a real priority for you. Time to get back to the basics. Soon the image will become clearer. Family members and co-workers will try to help you through your emotional difficulties. Allow them to help you find new ways to battle your foes and lift your spirits. Time together will help you to deal with emotional wounds. Try to plan a weekend get together with them, you'll be glad you did. Read more...

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