Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

October 1, 2012 - October 7, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Laying down a good/reasonable game plan for the week on the 1st and then sticking to it, will likely give you a most successful and stress free week. Your stars show a lot of opportunity may be coming your way and bringing change with it and you'll need strong family support, cooperation and understanding starting the 2nd in most cases. Ideal conditions to solve/air 'emotional issues' near the 5th may allow you to rid yourself of a 'burden' you've shoulder since as far back as mid Sept or even May/June.

Love Horoscope

Romance does well for singles this week providing excellent fortune the later hours of the 1st into the 2nd, another mid day the 5th and 6th and yet another on the 7th later in the day. Paired Sea Goats may find a minor level of 'threat' near the 5th to 7th but if addressed quickly AND 'on the spot' bravely, it should end well and swiftly. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

There MAY be those among you who 'lose a pal' this week but if you do, it stands to be mostly from typical life dynamics like moving away/on, marrying or being promoted in career/work. There may be the odd Capricorn who suffers an outright loss of some kind to 'cycling out' but it may more likely be animal acquaintances, especially those of other pals or possibly pets of your own if they are elderly or sickly.

Career Highlights

Your stars show some level of 'huge' or powerful favors may be done for you near the 2nd to 4/5th and that you may be given assignments, opportunities or 'advantages' hidden within innocent appearing situations, particularly near the 2nd into 3rd and especially by Taurus, Libra, Leo or any personality in finance or investment fields. The 'emotional or physical laziness' of another, may create a problem near the 5th or 7th along with a 'failure' element and you may be able to somehow 'cash in on that' or make it benefit you in some way.


VERY good

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Insightful, especially IF you're reading this!

Karma Numbers:

5, 6, 11, 15, 60

Buzz Words:

You need all the help you can get!

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Virgo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a need to show self-motivation. You may be able to turn a loss into a gain. An old project, or even an old love, may come back into your life. Approach it differently this time. Be certain that you want what you're going after. This is your chance to make a new start. Just make sure you do it on your terms. You've got to be motivated by your own passion, not by someone else's desires for you. You don't have to be a total control freak, but you must be in charge of your own feelings. Read more...

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