Weekly Horoscope for Libra
October 1, 2012 - October 7, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Minor issues may escalate into 'stressful conflict' the 1st IF they are not properly processed and addressed, especially IF they are about money or 'power/control' issues. Clashes with siblings, especially over inheritance, medical decisions and/or 'other family behaviors or responsibly' seem likely near the 4th to 6th. Resolution comes swiftly the 6th into 7th.
Love Horoscope
Impractical decisions, irrational idealism and 'testing boundaries' are any/all typical behavior this week in relationship dynamics, especially on/near the 3rd and/or from the events near/of it, particularly IF Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Libra are involved. Good news of some kind is indicated near the 5/6th. Singles appear to do VERY well this week with highly promising outcomes from almost ANY connections that were/are made. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Gatherings for many reasons, even those other than your birthday, are common this week, mostly for celebrations of employment, marriage, birth and other forms of 'life mile stone events' and you need to be there for them ALL; manage your time well. IF you should in any way 'fail a pal' especially near the 4th to 6th, complication/s MAY arise quickly!
Career Highlights
Finding just the right 'timing' for all your issues, needs and especially 'expansion efforts' is essential this week, particularly near the requirements of the 1st, 3/4th and again early on the 5th. Several opportunities may be offered up, not the least of which is a rather 'huge one' later on the 2nd that MAY involve 'big sums of money' upgrades in income and then 'more power, privilege or control' over situations or people you've 'lacked it in' recently.
About to improve big time.
Overview for Libra
State of Mind:
Very excited and cheerful overall!
Karma Numbers:
6, 15, 21, 22, 61, including 1961 and those born in it.
Buzz Words:
Exploit and quickly.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to share your joys with others. If you are unsure of your feelings, you need to be more definite with your goals. Lately, you haven't been paying too much attention to those close to you. Do your best to make them feel more comfortable with the recent changes that have occurred in your lives. You need to be more sensitive to their needs. Try to reach a real understanding on issues that are important to both of you. Leave nothing to chance. By week's end, plan a candlelight dinner for two. Express your inner most feelings. Music or dancing could have a great impact on both of you. Sparks may fly. Take the initiative and make plans to enjoy something new. It may be stressful at first, but it is necessary for you to get away for some quiet time. Read more...
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