Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

October 21, 2019 - October 27, 2019

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Family and Personal Life

The entire week is a fourth quarter moon starting on Monday the 21st and not ending until the evening hours of Sunday the 27th. This makes for an extremely challenging week but it's not all bad news as there are several wonderful days filled with very helpful aspects. Let's get to it, Monday the 21st don't force issues with other people and be willing to compromise and yield frequently. This way the day will flow easily. You may find your schedule being a little erratic as we reach end of business hours and supper time.

Tuesday the 22nd is a highly agreeable day although your nerves may be a little bit jittery to begin with and some emotional repercussions could come from a few signs like Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, and Leo, most of the day appears productive if you can spend it doing things solo.

Wednesday the 23rd is highly cooperative with optimistic and progressive energies that carry you entirely through the day where you can gain a great deal of ground and find yourself farther ahead than you planned. Most helpful appear to be Scorpio, Virgo, Aries, Leo, other Cancers and Aquarius.

Thursday the 24th is another quality day when it comes to cooperation, support and accomplishment, however your stars do show that it may be best to postpone decisions as the day wears on if you do not have a good gut feeling about things.

Friday the 25th you are back up and running with good energy and great insights. Your schedule may be a little difficult to maintain early in the day but once you get a handle on it and get things slapped back into place the rest of the day is a cakewalk.

Saturday the 26th some quality me time may allow you to accomplish through the majority of the day but you do show hitting a wall near sunset.

Sunday the earlier part of the day does show some excellent accomplishments and the afternoon hours become more progressive and more exciting as the day unfolds and we reach the new moon energy. Duties may be forced on you by others or you may be tempted to push too much duty on to other people. There will only be two camps and you must recognize which one you fall in on the 27th.

Love and Romance

Romantic love shows room for growth in fledgling relationships near the 21st/22nd, especially if you are looking to talk expansion/upgrade and/or emotional truths/revealing issues. Some set backs may threaten for a few Crabs who are in failing status near the 23rd to 25th , especially if infidelity or loyalty issues have been afoot, particularly if you are paired to Taurus, Scorpio, other Crabs, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Pisces or Virgo. Keep in mind, loyalty does not always have to include sexual misconduct; sometimes choosing other allegiances is also a loyalty issue. Only the 21st/22nd are good days for single Crabs and those tend to likely be one-night-stand short term run matches built on emotional/sexual need, unless, it's a Pisces, Sagittarius or Gemini. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

Long, emotional discussions are highly likely this week and it appears to be a real swinging door situation where you go to them, they come to you, you go to them and they are back to you. We may see a cycle of multiple pals in a variety of exchanges, all of a similar type and most of it emotions related to relationship dynamics; some career/coworker and most of it love/spouse. If you recognize that someone needs a real pro be sure to direct them to one. Keep in mind the 21st but may take a while before it starts to claim victims and you know what a rescuer you are!'

Career Advancements

There appears to be a lot of just make it from one day to the next energy going on this week. Several Crabs may find they are heaped, dumped and levied with a ton of work, in some cases, things that may be unfairly above their heads, out of their fields or not their responsibilities; but assigned to them, nonetheless. While you appear to hold your own and do an excellent job the 21st , especially the 22nd and even the 23rd , there is a pretty good chance that you'll find the 24th the one that is overwhelming unfair, staggering and it can hit in a soon as early AM. If you wake up mid terror your stars warn to back off, maintain and do not push or press an issue, especially just after lunch and/or with Leo, Aries, Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius or Scorpio and to remain cheerful and fake it until you make it. Having to travel and/or deal with long distance both the 24th/25th is possible, as is several errands and multi tasking, along with last minute, quick trips/dashes. Fatigue and/or illness are likely over the weekend so try to avoid having to take work home with you.

Financial Outlook


Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:


Karma Numbers:

6, 9, 11, 14, 83, especially 1983 and those born in it or companies formed during it!

Buzz Words:

Maintain your pace evenly.

Compatible Sign(s):


General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by uncertainty in your career. You may want to bury your head in the sand. Your awareness of something that is not fair or just at your job could make you want to walk away from some career situations. Be sure you don't cut off your nose to spite your face. If some associates behave like traumatized children, treat them that way. Give people the attention they require. Then you're free to go on your way, unfettered and clear of resentments. You should have good luck selling or purchasing property. Remember to conduct negotiations only after you've made decisions about what you need and want. If you lead yourself down the garden path with hopes and dreams, you have only yourself to blame. Get the facts and learn how to use them to your benefit. Read more...