Weekly Horoscope for Aries
October 21, 2019 - October 27, 2019
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Aries
Family and Personal Life
Don't force issues on the 21st especially with power people, both in your personal and career life, particularly Leo, Cancer, Aries, Aquarius and Libra.
Tuesday the 22nd appears to be an extremely productive and active day although there may be some weighty issues to deal with as you work your way through the day.
Wednesday the 23rd as the sun enters Scorpio it brings with it some emotional challenges as you settle in to adjusting to the more sensitive vibes around you but your stars indicate you can gain through more work and long hours are likely.
Thursday the 24th good news from afar and hefty profits are likely for a reasonable cross-section of you.
Friday the 25th your morning may be slightly challenging but your afternoon appears to be filled with quite promising results and while it may be another long day it's an extremely exciting one.
Saturday the 26th the big message is finish what you start.
Sunday the 27th duties may be forced on you by others or you may be the one asking a bit too much of someone else. Find balance between the two.
Love and Romance
Romance does rather well near the 21st and especially the 24th for Rams seeking upgrades or looking to jump start new relationship status. Excellent negotiation energy near the 22nd and 24th/25th allow almost any Ram to fix or clear up misconceptions or advance any position necessary, especially if/when intimidated or challenged by signs like Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces, other Rams, Taurus or Gemini. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
New friends are definitely slated for this week with hot prospects near the 22nd and 24th indicating excellent networking potential for both personal and career connections, leading to some very enhanced profit and pleasure. Signs like Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Scorpio and Taurus add to your roster in a big way!
Career Advancements
Being the center of attention for more reasons than one is likely this week; just make sure it is not for a mistake near the afternoon of the 21st because you were not paying attention due to being distracted and/or in a hurry and the AM of the 22nd or the PM of the 23rd because you were handed bogus info accidentally or deliberately by coworkers, bosses, etc., especially if they are Scorpio, Leo, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces or Aquarius but they would have to have a track record of having it out for you for some time now, especially since early January.
Financial Outlook
Takes money to make money spending is likely.
Overview for Aries
State of Mind:
Can be distracted unless you focus and refocus often.
Karma Numbers:
0, 2, 5, 11, 15 and we will include 55 and 1955, especially those born in it.
Buzz Words:
Aggression must be directed well
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by something or someone that tends to get under your skin. If you are resentful toward friends or associates, you may have to struggle with those feelings. You may find it difficult to keep a smile on your face when you see funds slipping through your fingers. A partner or your mate may appear to take the easy way out and ignore your struggle to balance everything that's going on around you. Don't let stress tempt you to play games or plan ways to get even. Do yourself and others a big favor by investing in some background checks and research. Your deep emotional feelings are apparent to you. What you say privately to those concerned, will have more of an impact than words from higher-ups. Let go and stand tall on your beliefs. Read more...