Our Merlin Natal Report

Our Merlin Natal Report

This interpretation of your birth chart is written with assistance from Gina Ronco and Agnes Nightingale. The interpretations are clearly written, with sensitivity, and are free of astrological jargon. The Merlin Report uses a sophisticated technique that leads the reader from one idea to the next so that the report is not as "choppy" and does not contain as many contradictions as most other astrological interpretations. It is our best natal report and one that will reveal or confirm mnay inner secrets.

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Our Basic Natal Report

Written by our own Deborah, it's a more brief but very complete 8-10 page report and covers all aspects with clear, easy to understand English aimed at the layman. In depth look at your inner self and your interactions with those around you. Discover your secret interests and desires. It can be seen as an introduction to those new to astrology.

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Your Life Path Report

The Life Path Report offers a unique blending of the psychological, spiritual, and material plane potentials found in each individual horoscope. North node interpretations by sign and house position, retrograde planets and elemental emphasis make this a well-rounded report. Included is a special section devoted to house ruler ships which add yet another level of understanding to the overall picture. It's a surprisingly comprehensive and insightful report. You will find that the interpretation of your chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon yet offering the technical aspects for those that do indeed like to see those facts. Also this report is one that we have added our excellent graphics to, making this a report of best quality combined with a beautiful presentation!

Order Your Life Path Report - With or Without Birth Time - $18.97
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Your Vocational and Career Report

It's covers all aspects of you and the type of careers you may find quite appealing. Explore the passions that could turn into career paths. This report specifically deals with the areas of your life that bear on career choices. Written in a clear, easy to understand english aimed at the layman. It provides an in depth look at your strengths and interests.

This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report numerous indications of possible vocations or professions related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is suggested that you reflect on this information so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best selection.

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The Body & Soul Report
Medical Astrology is a fascinating, timeless subject of antiquity that has unfortunately lost its value in the wake of chemical (allopathic) medicine. While almost everyone knows his or her astrological Sun sign from their month and date of birth, they are not generally familiar with the personal characteristics associated with it, dietary and hygienic measures to be advised, and even preventative measures it provides to preserve, regain, or maintain one's health. Historically, the two oldest sciences of man's history are astrology and herbalism. In a rare book uncovered from the English archives on medical astrology, it was stated that as late as the 1700's, those who entered the profession as "doctor of medicine", either in England or other European countries, were obliged to pass an astrological examination. And if the candidate was found deficient in the knowledge of medical astrology, the individual was deemed unfit to practice medicine!.

The usefulness of medical astrology, today, does not have to be restricted to doctors of medicine. Thanks to computers and the science of astronomy, those who turn their interest into more understanding and the application of medical astrology will gain some truly unique insights about themselves and others.

DISCLAIMER: The information and recommendations presented in this report are based on historical lore and research. It is not intended to dispense specific medical advice or prescribe the use or discontinuance of any medication or drug on the advice of an attending physician. All recommendations herein contained are made without guarantee on the part of the author or company, their agents, and employees. The author and company disclaim all liability in connection with the use of the information and lore presented herein. Information is presented solely as an educational experience for the student of medical astrology.

  • I would like to congratulate you about the Body & Soul Report. Excellent work, beautifully written! Best wishes, A.L. (St.Louis, Mo., USA)
  • Your report just confirmed so many facts I already knew but it also opened my eyes to others. I must commend you on this Body & Soul Report, please do let me know of other reports in the future!! I realize it is not to be used as a bible to my health and promise I use it for reference only. But I do find it informative and entertaining! Leland W. (NY, USA)
Order Your Body & Soul Report - With Birth Time - $19.97
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We're confident that you will find the reports insightful, informative as well as entertaining. AstrologySource.Com has been publishing charts on-line since 1996. Preparation and delivery of your chart is done inside 24 hours, usually inside the first few hours, and is then delivered to you via email. We have a loyal following, we hope you will consider joining our client list.

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