Career / Vocational Report
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Merlin Natal Report | Vocational/Career Guidance Report |
Future Love Compatibility Report |
Vocational Guidance Report for
Joe Savelberg - webmaster of
August 4, 1975 - 12:50 AM - Aachen, Germany
39 Lima Way
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 613-823-0431
***** Introduction *****
This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report numerous indications of possible vocations or professions related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is suggested that you reflect on this information so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best selection.
***** Astrological Data of Birth *****
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The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:
Sun 11 Leo 01 Pluto 7 Lib 06 Moon 24 Gem 02 N. Node 27 Sco 13 Mercury 13 Leo 54 Asc. 17 Gem 42 Venus 11 Vir 37 MC 13 Aqu 03 Mars 23 Tau 07 2nd cusp 6 Can 11 Jupiter 24 Ari 31 3rd cusp 23 Can 15 Saturn 25 Can 00 5th cusp 10 Vir 58 Uranus 28 Lib 42 6th cusp 25 Lib 37 Neptune 9 Sag 06 Tropical Placidus Standard time observed GMT: 23:50:00 Time Zone: 1 hours East Lat. and Long. of birth: 50 N 47 6 E 05 Aspects and orbs: Conjunction : 7 Deg 00 Min Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min Square : 5 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min Conjunct Asc: 3 Deg 00 Min Above, 5 Deg 00 Min Below
***** Chapter 1 *****
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Your individuality. Your personality. Your emotional needs. Your mentality.
To find the ideal profession, you have to know yourself first. There are activities you are suited for according to your nature, and others you are not. Your ideal occupation should favor the expression of your individuality (Sun) and your personality (Rising Sign), satisfy your emotional needs (Moon) and permit the development of your intellect (Mercury).
You were born under the sign of LEO and your ruling planet is the Sun, which endows you with great personal pride, authority and vitality.
Your Sun sign is FIXED and this impels you to fulfill an organizing function, either in thought or action. Your attitude is firm, persistent, stable and decisive. You have the ability to concentrate profoundly on your projects and to stay firm in your purposes. You enjoy organizing enterprises and directing others. In spite of this, you will have to cultivate a certain flexibility to avoid obstinacy and selfishness.
Leo is a FIRE sign and this will make you enthusiastic, ardent, proud and spontaneous; a pioneer undertaking enterprises with certain risks and seeking recognition from others. You have a strong will and great ambitions and are never satisfied with less. The fire element impels you to fight determinedly for your ideal, which sometimes may cause you to become aggressive, nervous or a tyrant.
You are very noble and will always act with integrity and honesty. You exhibit great personal assurance and ability to project, which will make you a leader in any area. You are very idealistic and also will defend another's honor or anyone who suffers some injustice. You live your life with great intensity and may be dramatic in expressing your emotions. You always want to be the center of attention and get bored when you are alone or withdraw.
You are very creative and always give your personal touch to anything you do. You are likely to stand out in any social or artistic activity. You like to share your achievements and your generosity is limitless, especially with those you admire or love. Others will seek you out because of your great sense of humor, the strength you convey and your personal ability, although this could also make you the target of criticism and envy.
You were born to occupy influential and important positions in life. Your words, your image and your ideas will be convincing and will serve as a guide for a lot of people. You were born to direct, to command, to lead, to impose justice, to create, to express and to communicate. One of your missions in life is to teach others to work for their own ambitions and happiness. Your personal pride will teach others that real love starts within oneself; your positive attitude, optimism and happiness will indicate your way of achieving your goals.
To evolve, your spirit needs to learn to control your pretensions, selfishness, excessive seductiveness, manipulativeness, and the tendency to exaggerate and to create dramas when they do not exist. You will have to find a way not to depend so much on the approval of others and to conquer the fear of ridicule. It is important to avoid having arrogant attitudes, feeling slighted or being authoritative, and you also will have to control your inclination toward luxuries and showing off.
YOUR PERSONALITY: Ascendant Gemini
Others see you as an intelligent, communicative and versatile person. You are very curious and everything that goes on around you is of interest to you. You can't stay quiet in the same place for any length of time and easily get bored, which inclines you to look for different situations and constantly be on the move.
You are very witty and enjoy being with your friends. You love to talk and easily could fall into the habit of gossiping. If your natal Sun is not in a strong sign, you may become dependent on and influenced by your close friends. You are likely to be a bit naive and immature; you believe everything that is said to you and because of this, it would be wise to surround yourself with positive people. On the other hand, you have many fantasies that you will be able to channel through your literary ability. This ascendant gives you the ability to do more than one thing at the same time, and it is probable that sometime in your life you may have two professions.
The profession you choose will have to encourage your wit, your need for communication (verbal as well as written) and movement; avoid solitary, routine or very boring jobs.
Your emotions are rapid, changing and not very lasting. Your mind is the filter for all of your feelings and this could make you detached, cold, or distant. You have to learn to express your emotions not only with words. You easily get bored with people and passive activities or routine. Your curious mind longs for surprises, novelties and intelligent responses from others, which not always happens. Because of your restlessness, you may change jobs frequently or make decisions without much thought.
You have an exceptional mind that combines intelligence with fantasies, which permits you to conceive very original ideas or solutions. You like to converse and express what you feel openly, and your curious mind enables you to easily socialize.
Subconsciously, you have a strong desire to express yourself and to learn more. You may have taken many trips in previous lives. Your occupation may have entailed delivering news, documents or messages from person to person, which has generated your immense curiosity and anxiety today. You were not accustomed to a stable home and family or an obligation that kept you quiet in the same place, and consequently, you have difficulty finding satisfaction in very routine or steady occupations in the present.
The profession you choose will have to satisfy your emotional need to communicate, either verbally or in writing, the need to connect, know, intermediate, teach, learn or trade.
YOUR MENTALITY: Mercury in Leo
Your mind tends to be dynamic, intense and rigid. You are decisive and proud of your ideas; you are persevering and could become stubborn and inflexible if someone contradicts you. You like organizing and leading others. You put much energy and enthusiasm into your plans, which will generally be sound and successful. You want to know everything about everything and also like to be known and because of this, you can be a bit vain and arrogant.
Your way of communicating is frank and open. You will show your emotions and thoughts, though you may exaggerate and act out everything theatrically to make your experiences more dramatic and thus get everybody's attention. You have a great sense of humor and creativity which gives you the ability to excel in any job that calls for contact with the public. You tend to learn and study more if you are challenged or if your personal pride is affected. You always want to be number one and put all your energies into that. You could get angry quite easily and tend to be aggressive in defending your honor. Strengthening your ego and self-esteem would help you to become very successful.
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***** Chapter 2 *****
Your abilities and your emotions, inhibitions and strengths. Hidden talents or challenges, Karma.
The location of the planets in the houses and the relationship between them can increase or decrease their power. Aspects of the Sun are related to our strength and those of the Moon affect the emotional world and are expressed on a subconscious level.
Aspects that affect your INDIVIDUALITY:Sun in 3rd house:
You have an exceptional mind which enables you to think and devise very personal solutions to your problems. It is important for you to study and to stimulate your intellect, because your self-confidence will be based on that. Your success in life is related to a form of communication, such as journalism, literature, lecturing and teaching etc.
If you have brothers or sisters, they will exercise a powerful influence on your life and you may have a very strong attachment to one of them. Because of your inquisitive mind, you are likely to travel a lot and seek to communicate with different people. You tend to be very curious and are interested in everything that is different. The negative side of this influence could cause you to be nervous, fickle, arrogant or very dominant with your opinions.
Sun conjunct Mercury:
You have a powerful mind, but can become very inflexible and stubborn in your opinions. It is important for you to think things through more thoroughly to avoid making premature decisions. You are ardent and tenacious in your projects and are very ambitious and creative in all of your undertakings.
Your mind is likely to be much faster than your body, which makes you feel that there never is enough time in a day and that you have to do everything immediately, or that other people hold you back. To avoid stress, you will have to organize your time in accordance with the tasks you are planning to undertake.
Sun Trine Neptune:
Your great imagination and inspiration enables you to excel in any artistic area, especially music. Your sensibility and perception of the world need to be channeled and expressed and because of this, you can do well in poetry, song and dance etc.
You have a very romantic and idealistic vision of life and are very much satisfied with the accomplishment of your fantasies. As a visionary, you can formulate projects or successful enterprises; it is necessary that you have confidence in your own ideas, although at times they may seem illogical or impossible to you. Your spirituality will be another important source of inspiration.
Sun Sextile Pluto:
You have great physical energy and are likely to be a leader in everything you become involved with. A constructive person, you use all of your strength in a positive way. Throughout your professional life you probably will experience some total and drastic changes that will make you feel better and more liberated each time. You can rely on strong powers of recuperation in case of a crisis or illness.
Aspects that affect your EMOTIONS:
Moon in 1st house:
Very magnetic and popular, you can be successful working with the public. On the other hand, you also could be exposed to criticism, gossip and envy.
You are very sensitive, emotional and imaginative. Everything depends on how you feel; thus your mind and your mood tends to change frequently. You are active and restless and constantly need to be on the move, which is apt to bring many variations in the course of your life.
Moon Trine Uranus:
You have a modern and futuristic vision of life and because of this, you act freely and dismiss the old taboos or traditions that would limit you. Very innovative, you will project your individual style. You are very intuitive and can clearly perceive the feelings of others or the possible success of an enterprise. You also are attracted to the hidden sciences and could become a very good astrologer.
Moon Sextile Jupiter:
You possess a great sense of humor and are always very positive in every situation. Thanks to your friendly, generous and enthusiastic attitude, you are very popular. You tend to see life with optimism and don't let any problems defeat you. This astrological configuration could bring trips abroad and lead to a strong spirituality and a philosophical attitude toward life.
HIDDEN TALENTS: Aries on 12th house cusp
You have to learn to rely on your own initiative as well as your aggressiveness. You tend to repress many of your ideas or projects when you don't find the approval you expect from others. You also tend to think negatively about your aggressive side and because of this, are likely to repress it. It would be wise to seek a creative outlet through some physical or dynamic activity, otherwise the energy accumulated within you could make you sick later on.
This influence may lead you to some type of secret activity, to face violent enemies or to become exposed to dangerous situations.
Mars in 12th house:Your wasted talent is your sports capacity. You tend to feel that your energy is limited and find it difficult to freely express your aggressiveness. Repressing it could bring health problems or alterations of your behavior. It is important that you learn to express your aggressiveness openly and constructively. Practicing some kind of sport, though it may not be professionally, would be ideal.
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***** Chapter 3 *****
Expansion (Jupiter) and retraction (Saturn). To give and to receive.
EXPANSION: Jupiter in Aries
Your sense of expansion manifests through your authority. You have a talent for leadership and a strong desire for freedom of action. In spite of your ability to learn from your mistakes, you can be quite egocentric and proud. You are confident in your decisions and prepared to face any adversity alone. Growth in your material world will depend on finding possibilities to develop your initiatives or occupying a position of power.
Jupiter in 11th house:
You are very sociable and pleasure-loving and because of this, have many friends and helpful acquaintances. You like to participate in organizations, groups, clubs or religious affiliations. Your material growth depends to a large extent on the relationships and friendships you maintain throughout your life. You are likely to achieve your goals with relative ease, which can make you a bit lazy and lax.
Jupiter Sextile Moon:
You have a very positive attitude toward life and this will be reflected in your emotional world. You transmit happiness, optimism and enthusiasm to people around you. Your positive disposition is likely to attract prosperity.
Jupiter Opposition Uranus:
You are rebellious and critical of accepted mores or laws. You are enthusiastic, independent, extroverted and headstrong, but also restless and nervous. It is important that you learn to concentrate and direct your energies on a single purpose. You must learn moderation in all things, and avoid exaggerating and being critical.
Jupiter Square Saturn:
You will have to learn to recognize your limitations and to direct your energies in a more orderly fashion. You probably devaluate your own potential and are not sure about reaching your goals. Success comes late in life, and sometimes you feel that you never get true recognition. You are realistic and materialistic, but lack direction and drive. There is an imbalance between your expansion and seclusion principle, between giving and receiving. You will have to reflect on this and adopt a more balanced attitude.
RETRACTION: Saturn in Cancer
The inhibition principle affects your emotional security. Your early childhood may have lacked tenderness or your family life may have been troublesome and because of this, you feel certain inhibitions about showing love and emotions. In spite of this, you feel responsible toward your family throughout your life. You can become hypersensitive, your feelings are easily hurt and you tend to withdraw to a place where you feel safe and protected. Basically you need emotional security, otherwise you will be shy, somber and lonely, and will have great difficulty understanding others.
Saturn in 3rd house:
You have a penetrating mind that is capable of good concentration. You may have trouble communicating, as you tend to be inhibited in expressing your ideas and emotions. You also may be prone to melancholia or depression. You think conservatively and prefer realistic and concrete ideas to the abstract. It is important that you foster positive thoughts and replace those you have learned during childhood. Your principal frustration could be that of not studying or not reaching the intellectual level you desire. It is important for you to persevere with your studies.
Saturn Square Uranus:
You are tense and unpredictable, and likely to release your tension suddenly. You strongly rebel against obligations and limitations in your life, which was probably brought on by confrontations with your father during your childhood. As a consequence, you tend to have difficulties in dealing with other authoritative figures: bosses, superiors, police etc. You can be aggressive towards others in order to hide your feelings of insecurity. You will have to learn to relax, to accept commitment, and to become more persevering in your purposes.
Saturn Sextile Mars:
You have the ability to direct your energies in an organized and disciplined way; you know when to run and when to stay. Your constructive energy allows you to excel in military or engineering fields. You are noble, sincere and respectful of other people's rights. You look out for your family and friends, and are very loyal in your feelings.
Success in life depends to a great extent on the balance between giving and receiving, expanding and retracting. Even dwelling on the one and only failure you may have had is like not attempting anything.
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***** Chapter 4 *****
Finances, source of income. Work in relation to your employment.
Described below are some possible sources of income. They may coincide, or not relate at all to your professional vocation.
FINANCES: Cancer on 2nd house cusp
You may experience financial fluctuations throughout your life; your income probably will not be constant or the same every month. You could earn money by dealing with the public and lending services related to areas such as nutrition, medicine, psychology etc. There also is the possibility of doing well in real estate.
Under this astrological influence you may perform some type of work in your own home. Your financial gain will grow over time and your best period probably will be later in life.
Ruler of 2nd house in 1st house:
The anxiety about earning your own money already was generated in your youth, probably by your family upbringing. Your financial income is directly related to your own effort, to the expression of your talents and to the utilization of your physical body.
Earning money is in direct relationship to our self-esteem. If we consider ourselves valuable, money flows and comes into our lives. Work done with love and pleasure doesn't weigh us down and offers a better profit.WORK IN RELATION TO YOUR EMPLOYMENT: Libra on 6th house cusp
Your work in relationship to your employment will be expressed by your sociableness and sense of aesthetics. Your presence will help to solve problems with calmness and harmony. If there are no other challenging astrological aspects, you will be in demand by your co-workers and receive many favors thanks to your sociableness. If your work brings you in touch with the public, you will be able to show your ease in relating and communicating and will find great pleasure in your work. In commercial enterprises you will be the one who serves, accompanies or solves, but not the one that leads.
Uranus in 6th house:
You are very nervous and rebel working for others. You need to feel free expressing your ideas and creativity, and a none-routine job, otherwise you will resign and easily change jobs. Because of your unconventional attitude, you are likely to be misunderstood or criticized by your superiors and co-workers. With this placement you tend to perform better working for yourself than for others.
Neptune in 6th house:
You are very sensitive and your strong intuition allows you to understand other's needs and also to easily comprehend your tasks. You tend to idealize your co-workers or superiors and may be disillusioned by them. This placement could bring times of confusion and you may end up working in a job you are not suited for. Try to be coherent and evaluate your aptitudes, because that is the only way others will evaluate you.
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***** Chapter 5 *****
Your creativity and recreational activities. Other skills and hobbies.
Hobbies are also part of our personality and through them, we express to a great extent our creative ability. It is important to enjoy our leisure activities and to complement them with our work or profession to reach greater balance. In our culture, we tend to place importance only on that which brings us money, thereby neglecting the expression of important parts of our personality.
YOUR CREATIVITY: Virgo on 5th house cusp
Your favorite recreational activities will be those that stimulate your intellect. You like to read, study, learn and teach. You also enjoy leisure activities that have to do with earth, such as gardening, agriculture and mountain-climbing etc. or with the breeding of domestic animals, especially with training them. You are likely to prefer a peaceful sport rather than a competitive one. Your creativity is stimulated by the contact of nature and living beings. You are at peace with yourself when you are in open spaces. You are also handy with practical activities such as repairing appliances in your household.
Venus in 5th house:
Some of your pastimes could be: singing, dancing, acting, painting, drawing, decorating, sculpturing ceramics or copper, handicrafts in general, writing poetry, music or love stories, designing fashions, cosmetics or decorations, pastry, or participating in social activities.
Pluto in 5th house:Some of your pastimes could be: voluntary participation in ecological or social projects, building or repairing radios or televisions, solving puzzles, navigating or diving, writing mystery stories, detective or social trials, collecting books on famous biographies, scientific advances, atomic energy or social reforms, designing accessories for laboratories or investigation projects etc.
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***** Chapter 6 *****
Your vocation, profession, probability of success and social recognition.
Aquarius MC
Your destiny is linked to the New Age of Aquarius. Your thoughts and ideas are very unusual and will help to change the world. Regardless of what profession you choose, your style will be very original and your ideas may be criticized for being non-traditional. You are interested in future-oriented inventions: space voyages, electronics, communication systems, etc. Your creativity allows you to excel in any artistic career you choose. If you have a tendency to write, it would probably be science fiction. You will travel a lot and feel fulfilled in places far away from your birthplace. Your powerful intuition will guide you to the success you are looking for. You can't tolerate working for others; you are extremely independent and will not submit to a time-table or a routine. If your job becomes restrictive, you will find another.
Your career choice could be one of the following professions: electronics, space engineer, aviation, computers, artist, writer, musician, singer, composer, astrologer, metaphysician, inventor, or any other creative profession which does not bear a specific label.
Ruler of 10th house in 6th house:
Your professional success is related to your ideas on service. No matter what profession you choose, it will be more gratifying for you if you feel that you are helping others. This astrological position favors professions linked to medicine, therapy or nutrition. If you do not have a career, you are likely to work in a company that provides some kind of service.
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***** Chapter 7 *****
Summary. Your unique talents.
Each of us is born with a unique talent, and our function in life is to express it. Following are descriptions of the principal astrological influences that form your unique abilities. Although some probable professions are listed, your true vocation is a combination of all these elements. After reading these paragraphs, reflect on them and let your intuition help you to find your own synthesis.
You were born to direct, to command, to lead, to impose justice, to create, to express and to communicate. One of your missions in life is to teach others to work for their ambitions and for their own happiness. Your personal pride will teach others that real love starts within oneself; your positive attitude, optimism and happiness will indicate your way of achieving your goals.
Professions ruled by Leo: educator, artist, manager, architect, musician, inventor, sportsman, teacher and all occupations where you could be in a position of authority and power or creative activities related to the education of children.
YOUR PERSONALITY: Ascendant Gemini
The profession you choose will have to encourage your wit, your need for communication (verbal as well as written) and movement; avoid solitary, routine or very boring projects.
Your job will have to satisfy your emotional need to communicate, either verbally or in writing, the need to connect, know, intermediate, teach, learn or trade.
Your career choice could be one of the following professions: electronics, space engineer, aviation, computers, artist, writer, musician, singer, composer, astrologer, metaphysician, inventor, social attender etc., or any other creative profession which does not bear a specific label. You could be successful in any activity that allows you to apply your creativity.
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Merlin Natal Report | Vocational/Career Guidance Report |
Future Love Compatibility Report |