Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

April 22, 2024 - April 28, 2024


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

The week kicks off on Monday, the 22nd, with a bustling pace, concluding with a few hurdles that mainly impact your personal life. Strive to maintain a calm and happy atmosphere at home.

Tuesday, the 23rd, brings an active day, brightened by supportive stars that promise beneficial purchases, significant progress, and exciting news from afar.

Wednesday, the 24th, continues the trend of good fortune. However, holding off on making crucial decisions in the evening is wise.

Thursday, the 25th, demands patience as it's another busy day filled with opportunities to push through and complete tasks.

Friday, the 26th, brings unexpected changes that might require quick adjustments, but you'll manage to find your footing swiftly.

The weekend offers relief, with Saturday, the 27th, providing a harmonious day filled with family cheer.

Sunday, the 28th, is ideal for personal projects, ensuring you finish what you've started.

Your week is characterized by rapid movement and significant interactions in both personal and professional realms. Challenges may arise, but with patience and frankness, you'll navigate through effectively.

The weekend provides a much-needed respite, allowing you to recharge and prepare for the upcoming challenges.

Love Horoscope

Early in the week, discomfort may arise with potential arguments and the need for lengthy explanations, especially if paired with Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, another Virgo, or Aquarius. Addressing these issues head-on is crucial for maintaining relationships. Singles may experience surprisingly positive romantic developments, especially on Wednesday evening and throughout the weekend until midday Sunday. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Expect your friends to seek your advice or support at the beginning of the week, possibly overwhelming you by Wednesday. Your patience might wear thin, but things look up by Thursday and Friday when reconnecting with an old friend could reignite not just friendship but potential romantic sparks for single Virgos.

Career Highlights

The pace of the week may feel overwhelming at times, requiring you to keep up, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, when demands could seem excessive or unreasonable. The pressure could peak by Thursday, making clear and focused functioning more challenging. It's important to maintain your composure, particularly with authority figures or colleagues who are Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, or fellow Virgos, towards the end of the week.


Your financial interactions might sometimes appear uncooperative, but overall, there isn't a significant concern for alarm. Continue to navigate your monetary matters with diligence and a straightforward approach.

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

You may feel slightly restless, which is not unusual given the week's demands. Try to channel this energy into productive activities, especially over the weekend.

Karma Numbers:

1, 4, 11, 52, 59

Buzz Words:

"Frankness" -- Honesty will be your best policy. Embrace straightforward communication to clear up any misunderstandings quickly.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

Dear Virgo, this week calls for meticulous attention to detail, especially in communication, as Mercury retrograde continues to influence your interactions. The week starts with a gentle nudge from the Moon in Libra opposite Venus to take things easy and indulge a little, providing a counterbalance to your natural tendency to overanalyze. As the Moon enters Scorpio, it's time to delve into transformations you've been considering, especially those that are deeply personal or involve shared resources. The square to Pluto might stir up some internal or external conflicts, but the Full Moon in Scorpio demands that these be addressed for you to move forward empowered and in control. With Mercury turning direct, your communications will start to clear up, and the transition of the Moon into Sagittarius and then Capricorn at the week's end helps shift your focus to broader horizons and practical long-term planning, respectively. Read more...

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