Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
September 9, 2019 - September 15, 2019
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
Family and Personal Life
Monday the 9th is a highly productive day and one that might just outshine many of the others around you. It's also a perfect day for making plans with family or friends for special occasions, holidays or anything as close as the weekend of the 13th or as far out as the winter holidays for excellent response and high success rates.
Tuesday the 10th indications are for impractical and idealistic thinking and some of it may get in your way. Sweep it aside and try to see the more down-to-earth side of things. That's your forte anyway.
Wednesday the 11th indications are that you do a great deal of fine work or some kind of bottom line detailed work that requires great focus and long hours as your stars show that you work almost to bedtime doing one kind of work after another.
Thursday the twelfth indications are for an excellent day with quality accomplishments for a hefty cross-section of you and most of you get to work unencumbered.
Friday the 13th many of you have things off your plate and off your back and are free to seek the more pleasurable side of life with possibility of time off for a reasonable cross-section of you.
Saturday under the full moon your ruling planet, Mercury, enters the sign of Libra and balance and fairness now enter your life. Those of you who have been experiencing any kind of poor quality unkind or unfair energy now well see things turn 180 degrees.
Sunday the 15th appears relaxing and highly enjoyable with last-minute invitations and a high degree of energy likely.
Love and Romance
A small set back, a nagging fear or a poorly communicated sentiment may cause a challenging "SNAG" near the 9th, 11th or 13th; do not get rattled depressed or act too hastily as your best way around them all is to not be forceful, use a subtle approach and always get them alone. Check if you are distracting them from important goals and appear very considerate and thoughtful at all times first; then move on to your agenda. Big changes back and forth are likely the 15th and the day may end on an opposite or happy note, no matter how much vacillation occurs. Stick to your start of day game plan the 13th and 15th in personal or career related relationships and keep them "solid." Singles can do no wrong this week and may stumble into the best fortune of their lives. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
A pal may save your butt this week near the 10th/11th in career and the 12th to 14th in personal life, especially if you become overworked, overwhelmed or make a bad move/choice. Signs like Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Aries, Leo and other Virgos appear to be most helpful and assist the quickest if/when asked. Some may even do it without you having to ask. Make no comments or remarks near the 12th to 14th as you tend to use the wrong vocal tones without realizing it!
Career Advancements
A minor mistake the 9th can escalate quickly and cause redoing and/or travel and expense. Work late and try to get it right. An emotional situation may form the 10th; avoid it if you can but at the very least; "play it down." Distract attention from your mistakes, if any, as you see it first and others may miss it all together, especially Mr. Big! Do not be part of any group or unhappy faction at work. Do not gossip or pass along humorous jokes, emails or etc. the 11th. A wise decision the 12th may save you from grief and extra work or late hours. You'll know what it was quickly enough if you bite into it; use favors from coworkers or industry insiders to get out if you do get "caught" in this one. Use great tact in all communications the 13th and respect the fears and insecurities of others: it's Friday the 13th for them too but it tends to be your lucky day more than one to fear! Never laugh or comment at anyone else's bad luck. Use compassion only.
Financial Outlook
Slightly challenging
Overview for Virgo
State of Mind:
Apathetic the 9th, over sensitive the 10th, impartial the 11th, focused and savvy the 12th, too bullish the 13th, prone to poor judgment the 14th and restless and insecure the 15th.
Karma Numbers:
4, 12, 50, 54, 55
Buzz Words:
Just the right speed, effort or oomph for the situation.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by the promise of business or financial opportunities. You may encounter problems with authority figures that could lead to confinement or delays. Your imagination can help you come up with some high profit ideas. Even you still have things to learn. Taking part in a class or workshop is one way to help this happen. Make sure all of your personal papers and data are in order. Pay close attention to detail and don't put serious issues on the back-burner. If you see the challenge as a puzzle, you'll be able to put the pieces together. Doubt does not mean no,it simply means that you have to work harder to succeed. Read more...