Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
April 7, 2014 - April 13, 2014
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
By week's end, spending may go somewhere near 'ridiculous' so being careful and frugal early in the week may help. Issues like getting rid of winter debt build up, food, medical or vehicle expense may not sound exciting but ADDRESS those first and then move on to things like beefing up your wardrobe and a fun get away IF you can then afford it. You may get hit with unexpected 'service costs' like cable, heat, electric, maintenance or appliance break down/repair/replacement. It's not all bad; family fun, enjoyable discussions and 'clearing the air of old problems' seems very constructive the 11th to 13th.
Love Horoscope
Romance does very well this week for a lot of signs and thankfully VIRGO is showing ALL the best from the 10th to 13th and all days long with the 12th and 11th most impressive and in that order. Solving any 'at odds' issues for paired Virgos, especially IF paired to Cancer, Leo, Aries, other Virgos, Taurus or Capricorn seems to almost 'be a breeze'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
New friends may easily be 'added to your life' most likely through family and current pals near the 9th to 12th and they appear to 'serve' very well in both career and personal life with the 'best' of it likely to be focused on career. It's not WHAT you know so much this week as WHO you know! A new pal may help you get there!
Career Highlights
Networking is important, as is making 'highly placed powerful friends or connections' this week, particularly near the 8th to 11th and the 'it day' the afternoon of the 9th. Off site schmoozing the 12th can really 'line your pockets' as pure profit will be a typical result of 'making' any connections, especially in exchanges with 'money people' who, if highly placed' appear to favor you GREATLY this week.
Overview for Virgo
State of Mind:
Easy flow, especially in/with talking and particularly silver tongued the 9th and 11th into 12th.
Karma Numbers:
6, 9, 15, 26, 59, especially 1959 and any companies formed during it.
Buzz Words:
Seen from more than ONE perspective.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a positive attitude & your need for approval from loved ones. Let whoever counts know that you've thought out the consequences of your actions. Show that you're not living some wild scheme. You have a plan that's practical,reasonable, good for your future. Once that's been established,you'll get the resources you need to commence. You could improve a creative plan or project by making significant revisions now. Straight talk doesn't have to be insensitive, just clear and to the point. Don't brood, just get on with the changes. They are not nearly as important as you think they are. Your efforts will be well-spent because of the potential financial benefits. Take a serious look at your finances. Set up a plan to build your bank account. Even a small amount set aside on a regular basis can mount up. More than that, it's an investment in the future, an act of faith that tomorrow will come and you'll be here to enjoy it. Lucky Numbers: 17, 28, 31, 32, 43, 44 Read more...
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