Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
December 4, 2006 - December 10, 2006
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
Family and Personal Life
Tact and low key emotions will win the day for you the 4th. Details and solving need 'in advance' will secure the 5th, while talking it out will solve almost anything the 6th. Family, food and fun dominates the 7th and again the 9th. Long talks, good talks, fun gatherings and great times can enhance family life and create 'memories' for years to come the 8th to 10th. Good news about/for a member may unfold the 10th to spark a 'celebration.' Births and weddings are likely.
Love and Romance
Expansion of your circle of love is likely this week with additions to the family, new loves, new friends and more 'dynamics' being included. Love IS expansive this week with hot days being the 5/6th , 8th and 9/10th in what may be 'separate opportunities/situations.' Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Do NOT tell a friend a 'painful truth' near the 4th, even if you are asked. Spouse/partner infidelity info is NOT your job/responsibility unless you are culpable or involved in some way and want to 'fess up.'
Career Advancements
Be very respectful of the 'time of others' the 4th, aware of need of others the 5th, avoid anyone 'taking credit for accomplishments of others' the 6th, on time for meetings and responsible the 7th and cheerful and involved in all that is going on around you the 8th for a most successfully navigated week in business, career or job.
Financial Outlook
Overview for Virgo
State of Mind:
Cheerful but in need of insight
Karma Numbers:
4, 9, 16, 49, 60
Buzz Words:
Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by an emotional roller coaster ride. You will get into arguments with friends or relatives if you don't listen to them. Try hard not to instigate unnecessary friction with your loved ones. Your own irritability will be largely at fault. Your need to meet new people and spend more time away from home may be due to a lack of mental and emotional stimulation. You have to make your mind up about personal issues. There is a good chance that someone is just toying with your emotions. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve and try not to be too revealing. Concentrate on your financial investments. Use your creative ingenuity to get your own way, believe in yourself and so will others. Avoid travel if possible. Your reputation may be affected if you get involved in secret love affairs. Be a giver, not a taker. Read more...