Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
December 4, 2006 - December 10, 2006
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
Family and Personal Life
Talking and lots of 'on hands duty' appears to be littering the week! Members need direction, insight and constructive criticism, heavily flavored with 'tact,' especially children, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius or Aries members. Avoid forcing Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo or Capricorn to 'comply' or it could 'backfire.' Plan 'group events' for the 8th to 10th as good news and cooperation are high at that time.
Love and Romance
Romance does fine this week IF you remember to allow a partner to clear their plate of career and personal agenda before expecting or asking them to focus on your goals. Make sure you are 'on the same page' for weekend plans by no later than the 6th and do NOT 'force' a time commitment from a partner. Keep plans 'made but lose' until as close to the 'last minute,' as you can for best success. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Friends can help take up the 'emotional slack' if you give them a good enough 'head's up.' IF you have a need to talk, ask first 'what time/day is best for you?' and schedule something that is the 'next best time' for both of you. Remember if you DO have need, that they may be doing the upcoming 'holiday boogie' themselves.
Career Advancements
Appear in control and 'well informed' the 4th to 6th as being 'in the know' may equate to dollars and 'sense' in the eyes of Mr. Big. A realistic approach to problem solving the 7th is wise since any 'by the seat of your pants' actions may not be viewed well. Deliver speeches and info/reports on time the 8th.
Financial Outlook
Very good
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Cheerful and 'in charge.'
Karma Numbers:
4, 9, 12, 29, 49
Buzz Words:
Crystal clear
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to direct your mind to areas that bring you closer to advancement. Don't waste your time trying to deal with erratic individuals. Don't take on too many projects. Focus on getting ahead your own way. Greater self-esteem will result from your accomplishments. Lending will get you into trouble, losses are evident if you are careless with your cash. Changes to your living quarters or residential moves will be to your advantage. Visitors may drop by, resulting in friction between you and your mate. Try hard to keep your calm, or the silent treatment will be sure to follow. Uncertainties at home will be upsetting. Bide your time and let things unfold as they may. By week's end, you'll be able to enjoy getting together with friends and relatives. Refrain from overindulgence. Read more...