Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

October 3, 2022 - October 9, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 3rd, many of you may take a short trip or simply run local errands. Pay attention to details and the items you may need to take with you. Making a list would be wise.

Tuesday the 4th, a self-examination and introversion would be wise before you start your day. Take a moment to do so and you will have a harmonious and cheerful day, especially during the evening hours when such energy is rich and abundant.

Wednesday the 5th, emotions rule the day and you must set them aside and focus on the task at hand to have a successful day where all your chores are delivered properly.

Thursday the 6th has you hustling your butt and doing so throughout the day. It appears to be long and emotionally draining hours -- way into sunset -- for a hefty cross-section of you. Demands on your time are long but you are clever and quick. A cheerful evening is indicated.

Friday the 7th, a great many things may be brought to you, but it all appears to be good and it is easy for you to help others and get the help that you need along with all the good advice that goes with it. There appears to be a swift change in mood during the mid-afternoon hours so it might be best to withdraw and work solo at that time.

Saturday the 8th, another demand for self-examination before you begin your day will help you to get the most out of it. Doing your own thing and spending plenty of free time or "me time" would be a good use of the day. Judgment calls in the early afternoon need close scrutiny, especially if you are dealing with Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Cancer or any money issues.

Sunday the 9th appears to be a highly enjoyable day with strong reflection and inner peace. A spiritual balloon goes up for many of you as your awareness opens.

Love Horoscope

Love shows several opportunities this week and a lot of talking, emotions and need for clarification especially in any status you are actively growing or putting effort into taking to the next level, especially with signs like Aries, Libra, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius or Aquarius. A fun gathering near Friday/Saturday may have you focused on making a choice of some kind and placing an old relationship in your path -- use care/caution. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends extend invitations and some may conflict; use tact if/when having to turn down a pal on any invite, especially if career connections or health concerns are involved and/or invites relate to Wednesday/Thursday or Saturday. Off-site schmoozing may be very beneficial to you near Saturday and you may want to reconsider in favor of that one.

Career Highlights

Big decisions near Monday may be made more off-site than on-site. Discussions about them may take place again near Saturday, advancing your position. Be present! A move may be required, but this one may appear to be more of a decision, or choice, than a relocation of kinds. Keep your cards close to your belt and keep any lateral people on a need to know basis until it is necessary.



Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Sharp, keen and focused

Karma Numbers:

6, 13, 34, 56, 62

Buzz Words:

Love carries us far!

Compatible Sign(s):

Libra, other Bulls

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope is highlighted by emotional and personal situations that will drain your energy. Refuse to get dragged into the middle of an argument. Don't take sides. Get out and socialize with colleagues. If you can combine some work with pleasure, you will gain respect and help from those in a position to help you get ahead. If you made a promise to your family, you must not renege. Put everything else on hold. Emotional problems with family members will be disheartening. Make the necessary changes. You may get a negative response from your family. If they can't come up with a better solution, continue with your plans. Read more...

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