Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

May 28, 2012 - June 3, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your star show big demands on your time, money and tongue the 29th to 30th but it's nothing you can't handle with one hand tied behind your back, especially IF you have a lot of Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer or other Bull members in your close group. Boosting egos, quelling fears and 'throwing money at it' may find you rethinking your near future spending plans but it's 'all good' at the end of the day!

Love Horoscope

Romance is HOT PROPERTY this week as the Bull slams into one of the best 'strings' of good luck they've seen since later Feb into mid March. Even status 'lost or forgotten' can have new life breathed into it! Old loves can reconnect, especially Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. Paired Bulls 'aim to please' and may be making compromises and buys doing it! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Invitations to travel, tryst, celebrate, gather and 'honor' fellow friends may dip deep into your budget this week but your outlook may be one of 'what else in life IS there!' and cause you to dip and dip DEEP! Just be careful not to 'overwhelm' and/or make them feel they 'could never top or repay' your efforts.

Career Highlights

The 28th may be challenging with 'clashes with power people or coworkers' especially Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn or any personality that has been exhibiting 'stress, overload or poor psychological stamina' lately. Walk on eggs! Big profit may be gleaned from co ventures or 'one hand washes the other' deals near the 30th to 1st!


Very good!

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Filled with 'new ideas'.

Karma Numbers:

7, 18, 24, 52, 68

Buzz Words:

Talk is cheap because the supply is always greater than the demand.

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by greater dedication and commitment toward your work and occupation. If you balance this with your personal goals in life, you can achieve an enormous sense of satisfaction and higher prestige at work. This can be a time when career matters take major precedence over your personal affairs. However, no matter how strong your ambitions are there may be a price to pay in your primary relationships. Caution should be exercised if loved ones are feeling alienated and ignored. Also, a new job could begin during this period or a change of career direction is possible. Read more...

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