Weekly Horoscope for Taurus
April 20, 2009 - April 26, 2009
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Taurus
Family and Personal Life
Spending to solve may be the trend all week until the 24th. Emotional issues dominate your life from the 20th to the 23rd in family/personal life AND career. Having a cooperative 'support system' at home is essential; keep members 'on your page' at all times. Events can become costly near the 25th with 'big ticket' spending likely. Fun gatherings are indicated for the 25th but can become a 'discussion challenge' the 26th.
Love and Romance
Romance remains tenuous at best until the 24th with the worst pit fall being you are prone to 'jump to conclusions' or have them jumped to at YOUR expense near the 22nd to 24th, especially if paired to Virgo, Aries, Sagittarius or Cancer. Quell issue quickly with as 'honest' and tactful of a discussion as you can have. Be cautious with behavior around 'gathered family' the 26th; yours or theirs. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Your pals seem to have multiple reasons to gather this week and days are 'peppered' with small and large celebrations, milestones and impromptu gatherings, especially near the 21st for personal reasons, the 23rd for career and the 24th to 26th to 'celebrate.'
Career Advancements
Respect any form of authority the 20th 'big time.' Success in meetings that day is good to excellent. Lay low on the 21/22nd and adapt a more 'serving' attitude. Make yourself 'indispensable.' Spending and investing, especially for self employed Bulls is likely near the 22nd to 24th. Big profit returns are possible as soon as the 23/24th, the week of the 27th, mid May and the end of Oct through to Dec.
Financial Outlook
Very promising
Overview for Taurus
State of Mind:
In need of strong 'social and personal situation awareness.'
Karma Numbers:
2, 4, 6, 8, 19
Buzz Words:
The bigger, the better.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by positive energy and your ability to promote your ideas and talk about your intentions. This will not be an easy time to talk to your mate about serious matters. You are likely to say things that you will regret later. Try to pick up valuable resource information to aid you in your business deals. Your financial situation will suffer if you try to expand your interests too quickly. Stay away from those risky financial ventures that you find so tempting. Don't make major decisions too quickly. Your tendency to exaggerate could get you into trouble. Take your time, be patient. Unexpected visitors will be a welcome sight. Keep busy with your weekend chores. You'll be able to make favorable changes in your domestic scene. Take care of all those chores that have been building up. Read more...