Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

March 30, 2020 - April 5, 2020


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 30th appears to be a highly accomplished day although if you have exchanges with signs like Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer or Sagittarius there may be some poor judgment calls and some problems with them understanding you or getting things right. A cross-section of you are also vulnerable to emotional exchanges and quarrels in the evening hours. Try to avoid them if you can as indications are Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer and Gemini are most likely combatants on this one.

Tuesday the 31st most of you appear to do things very well but the best thing you can do for yourself is tackled the high energy problems first in your rank and file for the day. Get to the small stuff later.

Wednesday the 1st a lot of things may be brought to you to do and laid at your feet. Don't come on too strong but rather take things slowly and easily and approach others with caution and a light hand.

Thursday the 2nd there are distractions and delays indicated in your morning hours and they are likely to have strong setbacks for the vast majority of you. Your afternoon hours look much better if you come up with a game plan and then stay with it.

Friday the 3rd power people seem to favor you and members of the opposite sex are your best bet when you need a favor done.

Saturday the 4th psychological improvements are indicated and those of you who do have any kind of early morning problems or squabbles will find the afternoon and evening brings clarity of mind and great relief from any kind of mental burden.

Sunday the 5th is a relaxing day filled with wonderful energies and quality free time or me time opportunities.

Love Horoscope

Romance does not do well until we reach the 2nd and then much hinges on how well, how often and what you have managed to talk about. The dialog and exchange between you and a love interest is all pivotal this week and where it is lacking, there are holes and where there are holes, there are gross vulnerabilities. Plug the holes! Singles; do not even bother, unless all you are looking for is sack time and then the 4th is your best shot but be careful; we got Glenn Close potential on the 5th. You could come home and find someone boiling a bunny on your stove the next day! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

This week, it's all about who you can emotionally trust. That is the beginning and that is the end! Don't open your mouth and share with anyone who does not fit the criteria of someone you want peaking in your panties to the end of time -- end of story!

Career Highlights

Finding out who you can trust here, may be what it is all about too! Clear your plate of all old business the 30th/31st and keep all lateral people on a need to know basis only. Deal with authority figures best the 1st as you will find doors open quickly and easily for you! Answer the phone/messages fast the 2nd and discover turn around time is like lightening and magic all in one swoop! The gods are on your side and they favor the fast! Your stars show you may hit a snag mid day on the 3rd; don't let it ruffle you; push past it and work late if you have to but stay on top of it and don't quit until it's done.


Can be very good; it's up to you.

Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

Psycho until the 1st

Karma Numbers:

1, 2, 90, 101, 111

Buzz Words:

Take it past the point of no return'

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a sense of frustration, anger, or impatience. Find and maintain your natural rhythm. Circumstances beyond your control may have you at your wit's end. Hang in there to discuss, argue, and make your points. Fighting is inevitable, but will only grind your energy to a halt. Work with your handicaps instead of denying or rebelling against them. Be especially careful where and how you spend your money. Keep your ears open to tips on finding real bargains. Research and store your information for future reference. Release your pent up stress with exercise or meditation and stop internalizing everything so much. Consider new ways to reduce the emotional stress you feel. Read more...

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