Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

February 17, 2020 - February 23, 2020


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 17th is an excellent day to do things solo as you may find others around you are not making the wise choices that you are making and they may disappoint you or not provide materials or assistance in a timely manner.

Tuesday the 18th there is far better professionalism afoot and you are able to make some excellent headway along with some good rolling steam for a long and accomplished day, with good profit margins likely for a hefty cross-section of you.

Wednesday the 19th high contentment levels are indicated as many of you may receive a pat on the back or a red feather in your cap for a job well done. Being singled out and favored in some way is also indicated.

Thursday the 20th some kind of favorable information may fall to you that gives you an edge of some kind and puts you in the catbird seat. Your ESP is also very high for the day and a little boost from the cosmos may send you in just the right direction without knowing it.

Friday the 21st power of people favor you and may do things that send you into directions in your future that are very favorable, particularly the months of April, August and October. If these months are discussed, it's a shoo-in, for sure.

Saturday the 22nd can be a highly productive day with excellent accomplishments for a hefty cross section of you and for another cross-section of you, it appears to be a quality day with excellent me or free time.

Sunday the 23rd is a typical relaxing Sunday with excellent gatherings and exchanges likely for the vast majority of you or those of you who may wish to, can select another quality free time or me time day.

Love Horoscope

Talk about brain chemistry this week; it does contribute to behavior and not only in a wide range of age groups, not restricted to within the family genetically, it may also be a topic of discussion/s between love interests. Ever wonder why you keep attracting the same kind of person? Have you ever beaten yourself up with this one? If you have, it may be time to look into changing you and not adapting to a different kind of love interest. Shopping this week, may land far more grief than enjoyment/returns. Paired Scorpios appear to hit possible termination threat the 20th to 23rd so keep it very tactful and keep it real. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A good, reliable, sound pal may be worth their weight in gold this week! Almost any Taurus, a well balanced Libra, compassionate Cancer, selfless Pisces and any Capricorn with a history of common sense decisions and insights may be your best bet to lean on and/or run to this week! If you find yourself with financial woes/concerns, youth discipline issues or making sure you chose the right thing to make someone happy then count your lucky stars! If you are not dealing with some high level life altering, anxiety riddled issue, you are one lucky son-of-a-gun!

Career Highlights

Here; no news is good news also! If nothing is going wrong and you have only small challenges to juggle and solve then you, are having a good week! Many of you will/may be expected to either work long/extra hours going above and beyond out of your own pocket or personal time the 20th to 23rd but you may have to suffer some fool and deal with an/some inept personalities, especially the 21st/22nd. Lucky ones among you may only hit one day maybe two but some of you will be sucked into all four!



Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

In need of caution, especially the evening of the 20th; when you are vulnerable the most.

Karma Numbers:

8, 11, 12, 72, 88, including 19's 72 and 88

Buzz Words:

Get whatever it is done before the 20th

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Scorpio

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to be your sexy, sensual self. A positive attitude will really come in handy, this week. You're about to become the light in someone's eye. Do the exact opposite of your tired old routine. Change is healthy and therefore necessary for you. Your feelings are just as important as your thoughts. Spend time with people who really understand and love you. Work on receiving, rather than giving. All you really need do, is get in touch with the innermost you. Check all contracts and documents are in order before you sign them. What seems easy in theory may be a little more involved than you thought. Consult a professional if you're not sure. Read more...

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