Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio
June 14, 2010 - June 20, 2010
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio
Family and Personal Life
While cooperation is slim, your focus is sharp and your drive to organize, clear up clutter and create a 'more economical and efficient' method/system is running on high gear. Get a system into place you can live with and then 'promote it' to the rest of your family. Be willing to embrace change yourself. A situation/s where it can be best to 'let by-gones be by-gone' is likely near the 17th; be willing to 'let go.' A fun gathering the 19th may be a great deal of work but the one the 20th is not.
Love and Romance
Romance does well this week IF you are 'single and looking' and willing to 'try the unusual' for a change, especially if Leo, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio or Taurus is involved. Some Stingers in 'problem relationships' may see a flat out 'termination of status' near the 16th to 19th, especially IF paired to Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn or other Stingers. It may be best to 'just let this one go.' Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Here too, you may see a pal who has been 'distancing themselves from you' fade away, move or just sort of 'dwindle off' in status or closeness. God always opens a door if He closes a window and new pals can flow in to take the place of those who have elected to move on.
Career Advancements
A very busy and demanding 15th AND 17th may have you 'multi tasking' and/or traveling or negotiating until your head spins. Dealings with those a distance away can make communications complicated, especially if foreign language or different 'systems' of doing things are involved. Seek the common denominator in all dealings. The health, medical, food and service industries are highlighted the 16th to 19th and travel also appears to be involved.
Financial Outlook
Rather spotty but good
Overview for Scorpio
State of Mind:
Reluctant at times but 'fed up with clutter and complications.'
Karma Numbers:
2, 7. 19. 27, 90
Buzz Words:
Cookie cutter methods.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to weigh your options, at any given moment. Investments will not be as profitable as they appear. Take a closer look. Try not to be too quick to make decisions that could bring about personal limitations. Romantic encounters are apparent, socialize or take a trip that will be conducive to love. You will have to make a decision regarding your personal partner. The infatuations you have been experiencing may be due to something you are lacking in your emotional relationship. You tend to donate too much money, find a way to help others solve their problems by giving your time & expertise. By week's end, rest and relaxation will be necessary. Watch your diet and your tendency to overindulge. Don't break promises that you made to children, or difficulties will surely erupt. Read more...